23 ; Go on a Date with Me

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          Joan continued to stare up at Stiles' bedroom ceiling, the sound of Stiles' soft mumbling and breathing the only thing being heard. She hadn't slept that much the previous night, but enough to the point where she'd most likely not fall asleep in class. She slowly turned her head over to look at Stiles, a smile spreading across her face.

          He looked so peaceful in his sleep. It was as if all the stress that he's collected over the past year and a half faded away once he closed his eyes. His hair was disheveled around his head in some type of messy perfection.

          "Hmm," Stiles mumbled under his breath, pressing his face into his pillow and squeezing his eyes shut.

          Joan grinned, resisting the urge to laugh, "Stiles."


          "Stiles? Come on, you gotta wake up."

          "Nuh-uh," Stiles argued lazily, placing his arm over his face tiredly.

          Joan sighed, chuckling softly, "You've got an early practice today for the big game tomorrow. Remember? The one that you've been bragging about all week?"


          "Stiles, I made a sign and everything! If I'm gonna watch you play tomorrow you better not suck."

          Stiles shook his head slightly, his lips parting, "Not gonna suck."

          "We're supposed to pick up Malia and take her to the school early so she could study for her math test too," Joan reminded in a serious tone, only earning herself another groan from Stiles. "Y'know the really important test that determines whether she becomes a senior with us next year?"

          Stiles grunts in response, sloppily waving his hand up into the air before bringing it back onto his face. Joan groaned, shaking her head and fully sitting up in his bed. Her eyes roamed the detective board several feet in front of the bed. They'd successfully stopped the Dead Pool so their wasn't necessarily a point to having the board anymore, but Stiles insisted that most of the information they found could help them find the Desert Wolf.

          Joan shook her head, grinning as an idea came into her head, almost as if a light bulb had gone off. She turned her head to look at Stiles' peaceful figure before quickly straddling his hips. With a grin on her lips, Joan grabbed Stiles' face and brought it up towards hers before pressing her lips to his. Stiles lazily responded to the kiss, moving his lips in sync with Joan's. Joan lifts her head away from his lips before placing kisses across the rest of his face, smiling lightly. 

          Her kisses covered his forehead, cheeks, nose, and jaw, before moving down to his neck. She continued to scatter kisses across his neck and face, causing Stiles to squirm, among other things.

           "What– what are you doing? I haven't even brushed my teeth yet..." Stiles croaked, his cheeks heating up as his eyes roamed Joan's body after she had placed a strong kiss on his lips one final time.

           Joan shrugged, pecking his lips, "Nothing else seemed to wake you up. Plus, I don't care. You could be covered in dirt and I'd still kiss you."

          Stiles scrunched his nose, something Joan thought was quite cute. "Dirt? Isn't that a bit gross?"

          "Well, after you win tomorrow's game you'll probably be covered in it from head to toe," Joan argued lightheartedly, a carefree smile across her lips.

          "Right, right," Stiles agreed, nodding. "So, after the game you'd be willing to go on a date with me? Even if I'm covered in dirt?"

           Joan nodded enthusiastically, pressing her lips against Stiles' one more. "I'd be honored, Mr. Stilinski."

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