25 ; Promise Me

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           It were moments like these where Joan wished her parents knew the truth about the supernatural.

           "You are not going to Mexico. You've already missed too many school days this year," her mother explained definitively.

           "Please! I still have my high GPA and all A's," Joan begged, looking between her parents with pleading eyes. "It's really important that I go!"

          Charles raised an eyebrow at his daughter, "And why is that? You still haven't told us."

          "I, uh, I want to go to Mexico 'cause it'll help me... with school!" Joan stuttered out, hoping her parents believed her terrible excuse. "I'll get an extra credit in geography if I go!"

          "Wouldn't we need to pay for the trip?"

          Joan shook her head rapidly, "No, no! It's something you do during your free time. But, it's due by the end of the week..."

           Both Bethany and Charles look at each other before looking back at their only daughter with disbelieving looks on their faces. "Joan, just tell us why you want to go to Mexico. If you do, we might consider. But if you don't, we won't let you go."

          Joan gaped at her parents, wanting nothing more than to tell her parents the truth. "I– I can't."

          "You can't?" Bethany asked in disbelief. "And why is that?"

          "It's just... It's complicated, mom," Joan slowly answered, looking down at her shoes. "Just let me go to Mexico. Malia and Stiles will be with me, so I'm not gonna be alone! I'll tell you everything once I come back. I promise."


          "So your parents said 'no'?" Stiles asked, put his Jeep into reverse.

          Joan nodded in annoyance, placing her backpack at her feet, "Yeah. They said if I didn't tell them why I wanted to go that they wouldn't let me. I promised that I would tell them everything when we got back, but that didn't even work."

          "Yet you're in my car about to head to Mexico," Stiles chuckled, shaking his head mockingly.

           Joan glared at Stiles, trying to resist the smile forming upon her lips, "Hey, at least I'm not disobeying the Sheriff! Plus, I'd loose my mind if I stayed here while you guys went to save Scott and Kira."

          Stiles nodded in acknowledgment, laughing lightly, "Yeah, I can understand that. Are you really going to tell them about everything? After we get back?"

          Joan thought for a moment before slowly nodding, "I don't want to, but they need to know. I can't keep lying to them, y'know. Would you, uh, maybe be willing to help me explain everything to them? You don't have to, but I'd really appreciate it."

          "Of course! I'd love to," Stiles replied, pulling into Malia's subdivision.

          "Thanks," Joan replied, her smile wide with hope. Moments later the two finally arrived at Malia's house, seeing the brunette waiting for them on her porch.

          Joan grinned at the were-coyote, stepping out of the Jeep so Malia could get into the backseat. Once buckled in, the trio made their way to Scott's house in hopes of finding something with his scent on it.

          They quickly scrambled into the McCall house without hesitation. They scurried throughout the first floor in search of something that could help them. With little luck they walked up to Scott's bedroom, once again looking for something that held his scent.

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