21 ; Love is a Locked Door

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          Sometimes it takes a while to notice things. Even the smartest people are ignorant or oblivious to their feelings. In moments of crisis, your emotions are the least important thing on your mind. You've got so much on your mind from others' safety to your own, but there is always that one person that is your main objective. They may be your husband, wife, son, or daughter – who knows – but they're important to you. It's when that person is in trouble when you realize how important they are to you. 

          Joan could only imagine what had happened to Stiles in Eichen House hours ago. A mixture of emotions were coursing through her veins the longer it took her to reach the hospital. Joan was scared, she was hopeful, but most of all she was disappointed in herself. She could have been there, she could have done something, but instead she was being naïve and doing something she wanted to do with Argent.

          She lightly shook her head as she parked her car. There was nothing she could of done. It was in the past now. All that was left for her to do now was to make sure Stiles was okay and do the one thing that's been on her mind for the past couple of weeks.

           Once she saw Melissa, the woman immediately ask her if she was ok. Joan looked like a mess thanks to the scattered bruises and bumps that were beginning to form on her body, as well as the slightly crazed look in her eyes.

          Joan waved her hand nonchalantly at Melissa, sending her a small, caring smile, "I'm fine, Melissa. Just a few bumps and bruises, nothing new. Where's Stiles?" 

          Melissa shook her head at the girl's recklessness, turning on her heels and beginning to make her way back to the young Stilinski's room. Joan followed without hesitation, squeezing past workers here and there in the crowded hallways.

          Joan's heart skipped a beat when they made it to Stiles' room, her mind racing with ideas of what she'd find. Melissa sent Joan a reassuring smile before opening up the door. A groan could easily heard as the door continued to open, "Melissa, I'm fine! You don't need to keep checking up on me."

          "You're not fine, Stiles. You have a concussion," Melissa replied matter-of-factly. "But, for your information, I'm not here to scold you into stay. You've got a guest." Melissa grinned cheekily, moving out of the doorway so Joan could step inside before exiting and closing the door behind her.

          Without hesitation, Stiles stood up from the bed and wrapped his arms around Joan's small frame. Joan jumped in surprise before slowly wrapping her arms around Stiles' waist and laying her head against his chest. She could easily hear his heart pounding from within his chest. The two stood in silence for several seconds, happy to know that the other one was safe in their arms and not being maimed to death by some supernatural creature or an assassin.

          Joan was the first to pull away, her eyes darting across his face to see if their were any visible wounds. Her eyes locked with the light bruise that had formed on the left side of his face. "What happened to you?" she whispered in concern, her fingers lightly gracing the bump.

          Stiles flinched at her touch, pain spiking his skull. He shook his head in disbelief, "What happened to me? What happened to you?! You've got bruises all over you!"

          "I'm not the one in the hospital, so your wound is much more concerning than my own. These are just from training anyway, nothing major," Joan shot back.

          "Training? Why were you training?" Stiles asked, squinting in confusion at the brunette in front of him.

          Joan shrugged, running her fingers through her hair. "I just wanted to know how to protect people– protect you..."

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