09 ; I've Got This Strange Feeling

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          Things felt different to Joan. Their plan on talking to Liam didn't turn out as well as they hoped seeing as Liam didn't even show up to his first period knowing that Joan would try to talk him just like Scott and Stiles did. But that wasn't the reason why Joan felt weird. They've dealt with newly bitten werewolves, aka Scott. Yes, it was an interesting yet terrifying time when it came to Scott's first full moon, but this time the pack was prepared to deal with Liam. 

          Joan couldn't put her finger on the weird feeling that filled her chest when Stiles picked her up that morning. Normally she felt slightly annoyed when Stiles did so, seeing as he loved to play his music to the highest volume it could possibly be in the morning. But today Joan couldn't help the smile that graced her lips when she took a seat in Stiles' Jeep.

          A frown had formed upon Joan's face when they'd pulled up to the school, something she was defiantly not accustom to doing. School was her safe haven, but the thought of having to deal with a class of rowdy freshman without Stiles seemed absolutely terrifying. "I'll see you later, ya?" Joan asked, hopping out of Stiles' car and meeting him on the sidewalk.

          Stiles nodded, hiking his backpack higher up his shoulder, "Yeah, defiantly. You gonna miss me during first period, Arcs?"

          Joan laughed, playfully pumping her shoulder with his, "No, Stilinski. You're not good enough for me to miss."

          "What! Come on, I'm pretty awesome. Without me you'd be no where seeing as I do give you rides to school."

          "Yeah, and I can easily ask Lydia for rides. It's me that you should be missing," Joan quipped, her smile widening. The two laughed, waving goodbye before walking their separate ways to their first periods. But even throughout her father's class about the exploration of Europe, Joan still felt the weird, tingly feeling coursing through her veins.

          That feeling stayed with her all throughout the day, especially when the pack met between two buses during their lunch period. Joan stood between Stiles and Malia, the topic of Liam staying that the boathouse being their main focus.

          "I'm not sharing my basement," Malia insisted stubbornly, her arms cross over her chest. 

          Lydia sighed, rolling her eyes at the were-coyote, "Actually, it's my basement. And my mom noticed how you tore it up last time."

          "Alright, she's still learning," Stiles quickly defends. Joan nods, "It's better than her going on a rampage or something!"

          "But, we're going to use the boathouse for Liam," Scott inputs. "It's got support beams. We can chain him to one of them."

          "But how do we get him out to the lake house if he doesn't trust us?" Kira asks, the question being on everyone's mind. How were they going to get Liam to the boathouse? Obviously he didn't trust Stiles, Scott, or Joan, so who was going to get him to come...

          "I say if it keeps him from murdering someone we chloroform the little bastard and throw him in the lake," Stiles explained, his tone completely serious.

          "Stiles!" Joan says with anger and disapproval. 

          "I'm in," Malia quickly adds, unaware of how terrible his plan is.

          "Malia!" Joan says once again, her tone the same. She quickly slaps Stiles' shoulder in disapproval while shaking her head. "What's that for?!" Stiles asks, rubbing his shoulder.

          "You're being a bad influence! We're not killing or kidnapping Liam. He's just scared. Wouldn't you be if you were bitten by a student and then were told that you were a werewolf?" Stiles grumbled under his breath on how he understood, but that it was a good idea to kidnap him once again, leading Joan to hit him once again.

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