18 ; Do the Do

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          Stiles Stilinski wasn't one to have a girl in his bed, let alone one that would sleep the night. Of course he's had wet dreams of Lydia or hot actresses he's seen on TV before, but they were just wet dreams. In those dreams he knew he and the girl would have a romantic evening and then would fall asleep in his arm, not watch a Star Wars marathon then pass out midway through the third movie. It was defiantly something he hadn't seen on TV or in the movies before, and Stiles had watched many television shows and movies.

          His eyes slowly opened, unaware of the body he was holding close to him. He barely opened his eyes in hopes of retaining sleep while wiggling his nose as if something was tickling it. He reached his hands up to swat his nose, immediately feeling locks of hair covering his face. He mumbled incoherently in confusion, knowing that he'd shaved the other day and that his hair wasn't long enough to touch his nose.

          A soft breath barely met Stiles' ears before his hand was brought back down from his face, by another, wrapping itself around something in front of him. At the sudden movement, his eyes flashed open, the small hold he had on sleep completely leaving him. He gapped silently, staring at the female he had in his arms. He craned his neck to get a better look at her face, seeing Joan soundlessly sleeping. Her face was pressed into his pillow, while her hair was crazily, yet gracefully, sprawled out around her head.

          Stiles noted the peaceful look on her face. All of the small lines from stress were gone and her naturally worried expression seemed to have been erased. She looked much younger and for once happy. 

          Joan looked absolutely beautiful...

          The covers that once was covering the two were now scrunched at the curve of her hip, while her jacket and shoes had somehow been discarded and placed on the floor. His arms were wrapped around her waist as a form of protection and blanket of warmth.

          Memories of last night's Star Wars marathon resurfaced in his mind. The two had made it half way through Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi before Joan began to fall asleep. Stiles had tried to keep her awake, but it wasn't long until he was following the girl into a peaceful slumber. His laptop was now rested on the floor beside his bed, Stiles having no recollection of putting it there.

          He could remember the two laughing here and there throughout the movie. Joan would occasionally grip Stiles' hand during suspenseful scenes that she watched intently. He was happy she enjoyed the movies. They weren't stressing about the supernatural or anyone's impending death. Instead, they were relaxing like normal teenagers would – well as normal they could get.

           "You're staring again, Stilinski," a muffled female voice speaks, knocking him immediately out of his trance.

          Stiles shook his head, quickly looking away in hopes of hiding his bright red cheeks. "No..."

          Joan rolled her tired eye, slowly turn around so she could face Stiles face-to-face, too tried to move his arms off of her. "Uh-huh. So what would you call looking at a girl while she's sleeping?" Joan asked, her voice slightly husky and dry from sleep.

          "Um... Observing the view?"

          Joan shook her head, a grin plastered across her lips nonetheless. It felt nice in Stiles' arms to her surprise. She felt safe and warm in his hold. She was glad that she had come over to his house last night. She couldn't remember the last time she had a peaceful nights sleep. It was like Stiles had protected her from all the nightmares that were constantly flooding her mind, making Joan incredibly grateful.

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