19 ; Constant Bickering

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          "Remember back when we were in Mexico when you were telling me to stop pacing? Yeah, well... Stop pacing!" Stiles exclaimed in irritation, watching Joan walk back and forth across from Liam, Kira, and himself.

          Joan rolled her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest, "I'm sorry!" She shook her head before making her way towards Liam. Her eyes watched over the camera system Argent had connected to the four laptops they had supplied. Joan's gaze shifted from each screen, checking to see if anything had changed in the past ten or so minutes.

          Liam and Kira shared a knowing glance smelling and seeing the obvious sexual tension between the two humans. They hadn't told a single soul that they almost kissed, yet everyone already seemed to know.

          "Is it supposed to look like that?" Liam asked, pointing towards the now blank square on the bottom right corner of one of the laptops.

          Stiles and Joan shook their heads, looking at the computer in confusion. "No. No, it's not," Stiles replied in confusion.

          "Where is that?" Kira asks.

          "The roof," Joan answered, looking from the disabled camera to the group. "Someone's gonna need to go up there and see what's going on."

          "I'll go," Kira volunteers, grabbing her katana off the bed and preparing to leave.

          Stiles quickly shook his head, reaching his hand out to stop Kira, "Whoa, whoa. This might not just be a malfunction."

          Kira nodded in understanding, showing Stiles her weapon and replying back in confidence, "That's why I'm bringing this."

          "I'll come with you," Liam says, quickly following Kira out of the hospital room like a lost puppy.

          "Okay. And you're both coming right back. Immediately!" Stiles demands, waving his hands around. The two humans sigh, saying the same word at the same time: "Kids."

          They looked over at each other in confusion, raising their eyebrows. "What?" they say in sync, causing them to become even more freaked out. "Stop! I'm talking! No, I am! Oh my god!"


          "Joan–" The two groan, shaking their heads in annoyance. Joan bites her lip, trying to contain her laughter after several moments. Stiles immediately notices causing a small smile to grace his lips. The thought of being awkward around each other didn't seem so permanent now that they were close to laughing. Just the idea of the two being awkward around each other seemed stupid, especially because of a kiss that never happened.

          Yes, they had nearly kissed, but that was in the past. If anything, if the were meant to kiss they would at some point. Maybe not right then and there, but at some point they will. At some point, Stiles thought to himself hopefully.

          His hopes were immediately pushed to the back of his mind when the power in the hospital room went out. "Shit!" Joan hissed, trying to see if there was someway to get their camera feed back up.

          She shook her head in defeat, looking over at Stiles. "We need to find Argent. Now." The duo quickly scrambled out of the hospital room, leaving behind their laptops.

          Stiles instinctive grabbed Joan's hand as they raced past several nurses, doctors, and patients. The two took a sharp right turn and immediately found themselves face to face with the barrel of a gun. The two froze, their minds flashing back to the last time they were placed at the end of a gun.

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