05 ; Student Teacher Drama

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          Joan was smart, being one of the top students of her class, but she could never understand how everyone could continue their everyday lives with the supernatural swarming this town. Her eyes grazed over the many students across campus, retelling their friends their summer adventures or seeing if they shared any class for the new year. She missed that. Joan missed the freedom and relaxation they held.

          She could barely remember the last time she was able to walk around freely without have to look behind her to make sure no homicidal, killing machine was stalking her. Even though she knew that that was impossible. There were more important things to worry about rather than her schedule for the year. She was stuck with the supernatural, surrounded by werewolves, banshees, and kitsunes, and there was no way out.

         "Joan? Joan, you okay?" Scott asks with concern as Stiles snaps his fingers in front of the dazed girl's face. The two boys could easily see the lack of sleeping the brunette's eyes.

          "What? What were you saying?"

          Stiles sighs with annoyance before repeating his previous statement, "Sometimes I think Malia knows that I'm not telling her something."

          "You mean Peter?" Scott infers, the three continuing to walk towards their first class of the day.

          "Yeah. She just gives me this look sometimes, like this cross between a knowing glare and an oblivious stare. It's pretty weird, man."

          Joan shakes her head, "We should tell her soon. I'd rather her know from us then anyone else."

          Scott nods, "Yeah, I know. I just... I don't know how."

          Joan sighs as they all stop at Mr. Yukimura's history class, "We need to figure it out soon, Scott. It feels like it's eating me alive; which isn't possible but you know what I mean. I have to go to my dad's class, I'll see you guys later?"

          The two boys nod, Stiles chuckling softly, "Good luck with the freshman, I'm gonna bet that at least one of them is gonna act like a suck up to your dad and try to outdo you."

          Joan narrows her eyes at the freckled boy, "No one can be better than me in my father's class, I've been taking it since I was seven."

          "Can't you just take a joke, Joan?!" Stiles hollers to the brunette as she walks towards Mr. Arcs' classroom. Scott laughs guiding Stiles into the classroom, glad that his two friends are actually getting along.


          Joan straightens her blouse as students begin to fill into Mr. Arcs' classroom, to say that she was nervous was a slight understatement. From the look of the class in front of her, Joan had a decent idea of what she was going to have to face: tired freshman who would rather be sleeping during their first period than learning about European history. At least that's what she thought until a preppy, eccentric looking female pranced into the classroom, taking a seat in front of Joan and her father's desk.

          Joan inwardly groaned. She was hoping that what Stiles said wouldn't come true. Joan wasn't one to like bragging, though Stiles was the only acceptation. Joan preferred to be quiet about her intelligence. She believed that if you didn't need to know just how smart she was then you'd just know that she had a decent mind. Nobody else needed to know that she was taking duel enrollment, especially this preppy freshman. Joan just hoped that she was only excited for her first day of high school instead of planning on being the teacher's pet.

         "Hello, class!" Charles Arcs explained with a large smile as he began to write his name upon the chalk board. "I'm Mr. Arcs, and this is my daughter, Joan Arcs, who will be our student teacher this year. Welcome to Honors European History! Does anyone have any questions about this year's course before I take roll?"

         It didn't surprise Joan one bit when the preppy ginger-haired girl raised her hand. "Yes, miss...?"

          "Marcus, Cassandra Marcus," the girl explained with a bright smile. "I was just wondering why your daughter was helping you teach this class. I don't believe any other teacher is having a student teacher, especially their teenage daughter."

          Joan clenched her jaw, already annoyed by Cassandra; for only having known her for less then five minutes, Joan could tell that she defiantly did not like Cassandra. Her father awkwardly cleared his throat, sensing the tension between the young student and his daughter, "Well, that's none of your business, Ms. Marcus. If you have a problem with my daughter co-teaching this class, you can go talk to the principal or your counselor about it. Any other questions?"

          Joan's, as well as the whole class' eyes grew wide at Mr. Arcs's comeback. Joan smiled happily at her father as class began before looking over at a shellshocked Cassandra. Maybe this won't be so bad...


          Joan stared at the empty metal table that Derek once resided on. She knew she should have been listening to the conversation, but her mind couldn't seem to pay attention. If only she stayed with him, let alone with Lydia, maybe this wouldn't have happened.

          "This isn't your fault," Lydia explained to Joan, squeezing her hand.

          Joan nodded, "Yeah. But how are we gonna find him?"

          "A wolf goes back to its den... But Derek lives in a loft," Scott quipped, looking around at everyone thoughtfully.

         Stiles shook his head, "Not when he was a teenager."

         An idea seem to pop in Lydia's head, the metaphorical light bulb shining above her head, "The Hale house."

         "He wouldn't remember the fire," Deaton explained. "It wouldn't have happened yet."

        "We need to find him before he or anyone else gets there. Who knows what going on in his head right now," Joan explained quickly.

         "Hold on. Say you do manage to catch up to him... What are you going to say to him? That his whole family is dead?" Lydia asks, thinking ahead of the game.

         "I guess I'm going to have to," Scott explained, talking about the Hale house fire.

         "Oh, good luck with that."

         "She's probably right," Stiles agreed. "Maybe you shouldn't. You know, at least until we figure out how to get him back to normal."

         Joan looked over at the two with raised eyebrows, "Yeah, but we can't lie to him. Not only will he be able to tell we're lying to him, but Derek's a smart guy, he's gonna figure it out sooner or later. I think we should tell him the truth."

         Scott nodded in agreement with Joan, "I can't lie to him."

          "Then I will," Stiles volunteered, raising his hand.

          "If he gets to the house first, you won't have to," Deaton says to them. Joan sighs, looking over at everyone, "Let's find a teenage sourwolf!"


Here's an update! I hope you guys liked it!

– Logan

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