Part 1

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Hey guys! sorry if this sucks as it' s only my first fan fiction ^_^ (also this should be edited so hopefully it's not as bad as it was!- from the future)

Rebecca's P.O.V:

"If you like my crazy face and you want to see more of it click subscribe and comment down below, I shall see you guys next week and GOODBYEEEEE!" I turned off the camera and took a sip of my coffee; I was going to have an all-nighter trying to edit it for tomorrow.

I loved youtube so much but I was so lazy and keeping up a weekly schedule proves to be quite hard. I shouldn't really complain though, I was doing the thing I loved for my career and I got to meet so many amazing people because of it.

I heard a buzz from my phone which was all the way across the room, should I get it? It could be the people from the lottery telling me that I had 10 seconds to click on a link and be filthy rich, or it could be my mum. After debating whether to get it or not, I dragged myself over and picked up the phone from the charger.

I took one little glimpse at the phone and immediately dropped it. I slowly picked up my phone from the floor and read the whole notification. 'from Youtube: Congrats on hitting 4 Million subscribers Rebecca Jones'. I started flailing my arms around like and idiot and screaming under my breath. I HAD HIT 4 MIL! What kind of witchcraft made this happen?!

Suddenly my twitter mentions started blowing up from loads of people congratulating me, I scrolled through and favourited a bunch and replied to a few. One really caught my eye, Dan Howell had tweeted me. My heart stopped and I went full on Fangirl. DAN FUCKING HOWELL KNOWS I EXISTED OMFG. I had always been huge fans of him and Phil and not gonna lie, Dan was pretty cute.

--------------------------------the next day------------------------------------

"Well I know when you're around cause I know the sound I know the sound, of your heart Well I know when you're around cause I know the sound I know the sound, of your heart!" I sang skipping around my apartment. As you can see, I was still in a really good mood from hitting 4 million subscribers. Suddenly the guitar solo part came up and I mimicked playing it in the air. God I was such a dork. As I was halfway through it, my phone started ringing pulling me away from my sick moves.

I quickly turned off the music and answered the phone, one of my best friends Zoe was ringing.

Z: Hey Becca!
R: Hey Zo! How are you?
Z: I'm good thanks, also congrats on 4 million subscribers
R: Thanks Zoe
Z: So, it's my birthday soon and Alfie is throwing me a party to celebrate! I was wondering if you'd like to come
R:Oh I would really love to come!
Z: That's great, can't wait to see you then! I'll text you the details
R: Okay thats great
Z:Got to go, so much planning
Z: Bye!

Honestly I really didn't like going to parties, loud music, grinding and socialising where all out of my comfort zone. But Zoe was such a close friend I couldn't not go. Hopefully my other friends go as well.

I hate social events.

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