Part 11

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Rebecca's POV: 
I collapsed onto my bed wanting to sleep for all eternity. Vidcon tired me out so much, when I was just a fan I thought meet and greets were really easy and didn't understand when some youtubers couldn't do them. No it's so tiring, and yes meeting all the amazing people who watch my videos is very rewarding, it sure makes me tired.
I changed out of the clothes I was wearing and threw on a tank-top and some sweatpants on, it was British summertime and I was melting.

After a couple hours of some hardcore napping, I was rudely awaken by the sound of pots clashing in the kitchen. I grabbed a book that was by my beside table to use as a weapon and crept through my hallway. I was not going to be a stereotypical girl in horror movies and try to attack the killer, I was gonna leg it out of my apartment the book was only if they tried to kill me.

I walked past the kitchen to see some random crackhead going through my cupboards, okay this wasn't an axe murder and I did not feel like loosing half of my possessions. I went up behind the burglar, held my book up ready to swing and hit him as hard as I possibly could across the back of his head. "OW WHAT THE FUCK?!" The voice cried, this voice was very familiar. The figure out his hand to his head and turned around only to reveal Dan.

"Shit I'm so sorry!" I apologised to Dan, okay it was kinda funny but he didn't need to know that. "Are you okay Dan?" I asked sympathetically sitting him down on the armchair. "Well apart from being hit with a Lord of the rings book, I'm perfectly fine" he replied sarcastically. "sorry I didn't recognise you" I said acknowledging the sweatpants and hoodie that he pulled the hood up. I grabbed an ice pack from the fridge and some tablets.

Since I hadn't seen the implications of putting Dan in an armchair and he looked too much in pain to move, I only one had one chance and that was to sit on his lap. I sat on his lap and he started to smirk at me, I looked down at the ice pack blushing. I reached to pull his hood down but he slapped my hand away. "Look I'm having a really bad hair day, that's why I came here because your hair is so nice you must use good products" he explained looking quite embarrassed. "Why the fuck would my hair supplies be in the kitchen?" He shrugged. He's such a dork.

I started to reach for his hood and Dan wrapped his arms around my waist as I was basically straddling him. We looked into each other's eyes as I started to pull his hood down. The intimate moment was ruined when u saw dans hair. I couldn't help but laugh at its current state. It was so flat at the front, yet voluminous at the back. There were strands of hair everywhere and he looked ridiculous.
"This is why I kept the hood up" he mumbled embarrassingly. "I'll sort it out later" I laughed trying to be serious again. I grabbed the ice pack and put my arms around his neck so it could be on the exact spot I hit him on. He flinched at first but then started to get used to it, he was so cute, why was him flinching cute?

Dan started to lean in and I did the same by default, it was only when he closed his eyes I realised what was happening. We've never been sober and kissed, at least when we were drunk we could blame it on the alcohol, but what now? I closed my eyes too and I could feel dans hot breath on my lips as I awaited the kiss. He touched my lips gently with his and we both started to move them slowly together. This didn't feel like our other kisses, the other ones were fast paced, rushed and his mouth tasted like alcohol. This kiss was slow yet satisfying, it was full of emotion and boy did his lips feel good on mine. Dans hands started to travel down my wait and onto my bum, he slowly started to lift me up, I dropped the ice pack I was holding but we didn't really care. He walked me over to the bedroom, I was still straddling him and we didn't break our kiss once. He broke away and laid me on the bed gently and laid down whilst hovering above me, he reconnected our lips and we picked up where we left off. "Wait Dan" I spoke suddenly putting my hands on his chest. "Yeah" "why are we doing this" I asked sadly and he shifted over to the side of me.

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