part 16

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Rebecca's POV: 

George was hanging out at my apartment with me but he just left because he had an appointment at his law firm. "bye babe" he told me and quickly pecked my lips before leaving.  He must of had a really important client due to the way he left so rapidly. 
I heard the generic apple ringtone start to play from my phone, I checked the caller id to see that it was my best friend from university Hannah. 
As soon as I accepted the phonecall, I heard screeching from the other line 
R-Oh my god thats amazing! CONGRATULATIONS HAN 
H- He did it two days ago and we literally started planning yesterday 
R- wow, why so soon?
H- so the only availability in our dream venue is two months from now, but we took it anyways 
R- well understandable
H- because it's so soon, not a lot of people can come so instead of a plus one you can have a plus two, so please invite two more people it's gonna be so awkward if not a lot of people come
R- sure, Dan and Phil? you guys have met a few times and it went pretty well
H- yeah they're great. So Rebecca, how would you like to be one of my bridesmaids?!
R- HOLY FUCK! of course I would!
H- YAYYY! so tomorrow all the bridesmaids are gonna have a long skype call to like plan some stuff
R- okay cool
H- okay, i'm gonna go because I still have to call so many people
R- okay bye love you
H- love you too

I waited for her to hang up and then settled back into the sofa. I took a deep breath and hoped that dan and phil would be okay to go to this wedding with me. SHIT! I had a collab with Dodie today and I was going to be late, I hadn't even done my makeup yet. I threw all the makeup I used into my purse, threw on some shoes, ran out to the door and hailed a taxi so I could do my makeup in the backseat. 

When I finally got to Dodie and Hazel's apartment, I paid the taxi driver, straightened out my skirt and knocked on their door. "Rebecca!" Dodie cheered as soon as she saw me "dodie! hello" I cheered back at her. We both held out our arms for a hug and we embraced each other tightly. Whenever I was around Dodie, I was always so happy she was just so lovely and nice, I couldn't help but smile. 

On her channel we did a cover of northern downpour by panic! at the disco, we both sang but I played the guitar. Basically I was doing Ryan's parts and she was doing Brendon's. On my channel we played 'cards against humanity' which was so funny, we're both going to hell. 

I asked Dodie if she wanted to come with me to pick out a dress for Hannah's wedding, for some reason Dodie always finds the most amazing clothes so she was the right person. After mucking around a bit in the stores I saw the most amazing dress. "Dodie, come look at this" I told her making her walk over to me, she gasped and jumped down on the spot when she saw it "Aw! It's so beautiful" She cheered, "shit, let me find it in nude" she realised, desperately searching through the racks to find a nude dress to match Hannah's theme because I was a bridesmaid. She eventually found it and got one for herself because she couldn't risk not having it. The dress was quite expensive but totally worth it. As soon as we got back to her place we put on the dresses and took a photo together to be massive dorks. 

after a couple of hours of us just hanging out and being massive idiots, I had to unfortunately leave, I said goodbye to her and then got a taxi to get back home because I did not feel like going on the underground at this time of night. 


I decided to actually be organised and start packing for the wedding kind of early. I stared at my phone lockscreen but to only see when there was no notifications, I texted Dan earlier thanking him for last night but he hadn't responded yet. I could see he'd been online so was he mad at me for not telling him about George earlier. I decided to suck it up and call Phil to ask if everything was okay. I subconsciously played with my hair as I nervously as I heard the phone ringing. "hello" Phils voice chirped through the phone making me feel instantly less anxious. 

After an hour of talking about nothing, I cheekily moved onto the topic. "so is Dan mad at me for not telling him about my boyfriend?" I asked casually even though it was killing me, I assumed Dan hold told Phil about that like he does with everything else. "I don't think so, he's been working so hard on a video so he's trapped himself in his room and has been editing all day" He clarified. "oh okay" I responded hoping that was all there was too it. 

I could hear George stepping into the doorway so that was a perfect time to end the call with Phil "hey phil, I'm gonna go someone's at my house"  I told him kind of pretending like it was some random stranger. "okay bye". I didn't really to hang up, I could talk to Phil for hours on end and I really wanted to but George just had a really long day at work and it was only fair on him. 

"hi love" he greeted me taking off his coat as soon as he saw me leaning on the doorway. I smiled at him and continued to get lost in my thoughts, most of them were about Dan as much as I wished they weren't. "you alright?" he asked coming closer to me, "yeah i'm fine" I reassured him as I fixed his messed up hair. I could imagine him running his hands through it as he was stressed out at work. George held me by the chin and connected our lips, I knew that I should really be lost in the kiss and only thinking about him but my mind would not shut up about Dan. Like how when he kisses me all I want to do is be even closer to him, when he looks down and smiles it makes me so happy and how when he touches me ever so slightly I always freeze and my whole body has goosebumps and chills. 

Suddenly George pulled away and smiled at me, I looked down guiltily as he walked into the bedroom. I wish I could stop thinking about Dan, I do like George but I just feel more connected to Dan, anyways if I do break up with George for Dan, I've ruined my chance with him anyways. 

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