Part 9

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Rebecca's POV:

What happened last night? Why did I just wake up in the kitchen? And why is my head pounding so much? I looked around at my surroundings to see beer bottles, glitter and a shirtless Dan. Wait, Dan? His arms were tightly around my waist and he was sleeping next to me and I was leaning into him. I carefully moved his arms off of me and creeped out of the  trying not to wake anyone up. I flinched as I tried to open my bedroom door, Phil was sleeping soundly on my bed. I crawled in the opposite side to him and pretended to be asleep so no one would suspect what happened with me and Dan. Honestly, I didn't even know what happened I remember going back here with some others and going to bed. That's it. Yet I wake up on the kitchen floor with Dan straddling me, how the hell did that happen. I slowly and carefully moved his arms off me so I could get to safety and avoid him waking up. We almost kissed yesterday, that was awkward enough, If anyone found out about this it'd be mortifying.
once I was free from Dans comforting grip I scrambled around the flat, trying to find a place where I could sit down and breathe. Once I discovered all of the rooms where occupied by sleeping guests. I stumbled over to the bathroom, splashed some water on my face and took a deep breath. Anything could've happened with Dan last night due to the very intimate position we were in. We could've kissed, gone to third base or even done the deed. The devil inside of me wanted those things to all happen but I didn't need any of that behaviour right now. I sat on the edge of the bathtub and ran my hands through my tangled hair.
"Dan" I said in shock opening the door to see Dan standing there out of breath. "Can we talk and stuff?" I stepped aside and opened the door wider gesturing for him to come in. "I recommend we go in the kitchen, everyone kinda passed out" I told him as he started to head for the sofa. "So what'd you wanna talk about?" I bought up whilst opening the fridge to grab a beer for us two. "I kinda forgot" he muttered, I went along with his lie even though I know he's lying. We were both leaning against the kitchen surfaces in silence sipping our beers. "Rebecca why didn't you kiss me" he stated suddenly catching me off guard. "I don't know Dan" I told him calmly "bullshit!" He yelled and I immediately ssh'd him "Dan's there's people sleeping" I whispered in horror.
"Shit sorry! Didn't see you in here" Dan exclaimed rushing out of the bathroom. Damn, he cut off my memory. I got up off the bathtub and walked into the lounge to see it packed of zombies. Everyone looked dead, tired looks on their faces, makeup smudged around their eyes, appearance was terrible and no one was moving around fast. "what the hell happened in here?" I asked in shock of how horrible everyone looked. Phil moaned out in response and pointed to the alcohol on the table. "got it" I whispered and wandered off looking for Dan. He was nowhere to be seen in the apartment and admittedly, that did upset me.


Everyone had left for Brighton and elsewhere, meaning it was just me, dan and phil. "I'll go put the tea on!" phil cheered and ran over to the kitchen like an excited child leaving me and dan alone together. I looked down at my hands and started to fiddle with them, trying anything to avoid any interaction with him. 'tap tap tap' went dan's foot on the wooden floorboards, he was anxious too for some reason. was my behaviour causing him to be awkward. shit, what if he remembers? No, he was wasted, I wasn't as bad as him yet I don't even remember most of it.

Phil's POV:

''Phil where the fuck are you going?!" Dan yelled out in horror as he saw me trying to leave the apartment. "oh I just need to get some milk for the tea, we're out" I explained. "I'll go get some" Rebecca yelled and ran out of the door in no time. "Someone's excited" "Phil me and Rebecca kissed last night" Dan confessed suddenly.
They kissed. Rebecca and Dan kissed. I knew they liked each other. "Well are you sure you did, you were pretty drunk" I told him trying to calm him down. He seemed pretty panicky. "Phil I'm 100 percent sure we did" he breathed out. "What happened then?"

Dan's POV:
"Dan There's people sleeping" Rebecca whispered in horror as I ran my hands through my tangled hair. Silence. We sat in an awkward silence for a while and I could feel myself getting more and frustrated as she wouldn't answer me. I had to ask. "I just wanted to kiss you Rebecca" she looked over at me confused, probably trying to piece together what I'd just said. "You still can" she suggested seductively.
I couldn't resist her anymore. She was so wonderful  and I needed her. I wanted every inch of her and she had just given me a ticket to her. I grabbed her waist and pulled her closer into me. She looked at me with such lust giving me way more confidence than before. I leant into her quickly and connected our lips. We moved them in sync hungrily. I put my tongue on her lip begging for entrance which she then granted me. We moved together and i heard her moan as the kiss started to get deeper. She started moving into me and we started to go back until I was pushed right back into the counter. She was trying to be the dominant one now and I couldn't let that continue. I broke away from the kiss and she looked at me confused until I smirked and flipped us over so she was the one leaning on the counter. She reconnected our lips and we continued where we left off. She ran her hands through my hair probably making it even messier but I couldn't care less. I broke away again and started to leave trails of kisses down her neck until I reached her collarbone. Thank God she was wearing a tank top. I put my lips on her bone, gently bit down and started to suck whilst lapping my tongue around the area. She started to moan so I knew I was pleasing her. I pulled away when I was ready and admired my work as she started to go down my neck. My neck was definitely my weak point and no one was allowed to touch it, but I really didn't mind Rebecca doing whatever she wanted to it. I had no idea what she was doing, but fuck did it feel good. "Rebecca" I moaned out and she moved back up and kissed my lips again. I'm so glad we didn't kiss in the club as I know it would never have gotten this heated. "Dan" she moaned into my mouth and I deepened the kiss even more. Good to know she was thinking about me and not anyone else.

"And yeah thats all I really remember, everything else is a blur" I told Phil (but in the simplest way possible of course). At that moment Rebecca burst through the door with two bottles of milk in a tescos bag.

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