Part 13

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~One month later~
Rebeccas POV:
"Come on teach me!" I laughed tickling Dans sides "stop... it...! I" he breathed out whilst laughing. He hated being tickled as Phil told me and I wanted him to teach me a song on the piano but he wouldn't so I used ye olde torture.
I took my hands off his sides and he took a deep breath out. "Thank you" he Wheezed looking up at me as I was placed on top of him. "Come on, just that radio head song" I begged "no I'm tired, I'd much rather watch anime in bed with you" he told me. "Fine I'll touch your neck instead" I told him and fear flooded his eyes as I stuck my hand out to touch his neck. He watched my hand in agony and just as I was about to touch it he stopped me "fine I'll teach you!" He cried out.

Dan pulled up the chair and sat down on it "um where am I supposed to sit?" I asked him and he pat his lap. I scoffed until I realised he was being serious, there were no other chairs in the room and that was my only option right now. I reluctantly sat awkwardly on the edge of his lap whilst being very self conscious about squashing him.

Ever since me and Dan called off our kissing thing it had been so awkward, there had been so many moment were I wanted to kiss him and where I could of kissed him.    
"Okay so you know the basic notes on the piano?" He asked me and I nodded trying to avoid too much speaking. He pulled out some notes out of this folder on top of his desk, he picked out a file that said radio head and put it down. "Okay these are the chords" Dan started to play them and he told me to follow, of course when I played them they didn't sound as smooth and confident as Dan's. 

"Here give me your hands" he told me reaching out his hand. I stuck out my hands which looked really slender next to dans huge ones. I waited for him to take them and when he did I felt my whole body chill and I was practically going into cardiac arrest when he wrapped his hands around mine. His hands were all around mine making us one hand robot together, although he was the one controlling him and I was just enjoying the warmth of his hands.

Dan hovered our hands above the piano and looked into my eyes waiting for me to approve of it, he pressed his fingers on the keys so gently and moved them along as I listened to the pretty sounds coming out. I loved this song as depressing and dark as it sounded it still sounded beautiful when Dan played it on the piano. I turned over and looked at how cute he was when he was concentration. His lips were pursed, his eyes were so Focused and his head was lowered down looking at the keys and thinking about his next move. Dan suddenly stopped when he caught me staring and a light pink blush started to creep up on his cheeks "you're really talented Daniel" I complimented him and he blushed even more. Silence. There wasn't a sound apart from the rain trickling down the window.
He started to stare into my eyes and that made me instantly uncomfortable, I knew what was going to happen yet I couldn't help myself from getting lost in his golden ones.
He started to lean in and everything felt so right, I leaned in a bit too and I could feel his breath on my lips, his eyes started to close and so did mine. His lips gently touched mine but before he could press them down I broke away.
"Dan you know we can't keep doing this" I whispered. We were still so close to each other, our foreheads were touching and I could feel him looking at me but I kept my head down.

We stayed in this position until I heard the front door open. It was Phil he went to go and visit his family and I guess he was back. I got up and headed towards him "Phillip!" I cheered wrapping my arms around him. "Hey Phil" Dan said to Phil happily. "How was your family?" I asked Phil patting the space next to me "Yeah they're fine same old as usual" he spoke with his northern accent showing through. "Wow here comes northern Phil" Dan joked from the kitchen and Phil blushed.

~The next day~
I took a deep breath and sat down on the tube seats, I didn't like to think about all the horrible acts taken place on this seat. "Rebecca? Is that you" a male voice spoke next to me, I automatically assumed it was a fan but this person didn't say anything about liking me or anything (I know this sounds incredibly cocky but it's not). I looked at the guy and not gonna like he was pretty cute, he had curly auburn hair, light green eyes and was quite tall.
"It's me George" the name George didn't really ring any bells, "George benson! From school" he clarified and I remembered. "George!" I spoke hugging him, "it's been forever!" 
George used to be in my math class, we never really talked but then again no one talked to me. He had changed a lot since the last time I saw him, he used to straighten his hair because that was the trend back in 2006 (*cringes*) and he was kinda chubby, the only thing the same was the green eyes. How he remembered me I don't know, I used to have an emo fringe, which I still kinda have but its not as emo and my face was really round and spotty. We both looked a lot better than our teen selves.
"Wow I almost didn't recognise you without the eyeliner and band tshirts" he joked and I internally cringed. "So what do you do now?" I asked him trying to make small talk. "I'm actually a lawyer now" he told me and not gonna lie I was shocked, he never went to any lessons and got really bad grades in most subjects but good for him I guess. "What about you?" He asked and I had to think carefully, I never say youtuber or they think the worst or they stalk me and I don't really like that.
"I work for Google" I told him and I wasn't lying I do. "Oh cool".
"This is my stop" I said and he asked for my phone so he could put his number in it "text me later okay" he told me and I nodded.

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