Part 14

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Rebecca's POV: 

I tapped my nails nervously on the wooden tables of my local starbucks waiting for him. He texted me this morning telling me he had something really important to ask me and that it couldn't wait. After an agonising time of waiting, I recognised the curly auburn hair in the distance of the coffee shop. When George saw me, he breathed a sigh of relief and ran over to me. I stood up to greet him and smiled "took you long enou-" I was cut off by George pressing his lips on mine, it took me a moment to get  used to it before I happily kissed him back. "so, would you, Rebecca Anne Jones do me the honour of becoming my girlfriend?" He asked pulling away from the kiss. I nodded and smiled widely, "yes, yes I would" I say as he pulls me into another kiss holding my wrists in the air. 


"Happy birthday!" Phil cheered hugging me as soon as I came through my front door. Ugh, I'd hoped no one remembered it was my birthday, I hated them. It only reminded me that I was getting old and that I was slowly approaching death more each year. As a child I loved them, presents, cake and I was getting older and I couldn't wait until I was older. But I'm 'older' now and I only wish I was a child again.

"Wow thanks guys" I spoke trying to sound as happy as possible. I could feel Dan staring at me, he knew how I felt about birthdays but he didn't want to ruin Phil's childlike excitement. He loved birthdays and always went all out when it was someone's. "Wait let me light the candles" he squealed running off to the kitchen. "Happy birthday" Dan told me patting me on the back, "I'm sorry for Phil he thinks everyone's always as excited as he is" "nah it's okay, I'd rather he be happy today if I'm honest" I laughed.
"Okay here we go" I heard Phil mumble to himself in the kitchen. "Happy birthday to you" Phil sang walking over to use. "Happy birthday to you" Dan joined in "happy birthday to Rebecca, happy birthday to you!" They waited in anticipation for me to blow out the candles on my red velvet cake. I blew them out and made a wish "um, I don't know I wish for the...dankest memes?" I wished uncertainly making them chuckle. "PRESENT TIME" Phil yelled and ran off to the kitchen. I cut off a slice of cake and offered it to dan, "no thanks I'm trying to watch my figure" he gestured to his hips "um what figure mate?" I said making him laugh and take the cake. "So this one is from me" Phil told me running in. He handed me a lumpy thing wrapped up in tissue paper and a large skinny square. I opened up the lumpy thing to reveal a really snazzy panic tshirt. "Thank you so much Phil!" I cheered hugging him tightly "open the next one then" he ushered me. I opened it up and there was a death of a bachelor vinyl, Jesus these things were expensive. "Thanks Phil!" I screamed hugging him again.
"Okay here's mine" Dan told me and gave me a little box about the size of a post card. Phil was filming me with his iPhone and I started to get really nervous, what the hell was this. Dan had a devilish smirk on his face as I started to open the lid. Holy. Shit. Dan had gotten me panic! At the disco concert tickets. "DAN" I screamed at him and he continued to smirk. I ran up to him and jumped into his arms and pushed him against the wall with the strength of my hug. "THANK YOU SO MUCH I LOVE YOU" I continued to scream. I could feel Dan trying to keep me up as I hugged him tightly, he was basically holding me up as my legs were loosely wrapped around his waist and my arms were planted around his neck. "Wait there's only two  tickets" I realised "well you emos grew up on panic so I thought you guys would appreciate it more" Phil spoke up making me and Dan laugh.

~the night of the concert~
Dan's POV:
I adjusted my hair meticulously, trying to get it just right even though I knew it would not be perfect by the end of the night. The doorbell went off and I started to feel butterflies, she was here. I ran to the door and opened it to see Rebecca looking gorgeous in the doorway. She was wearing a tight, sleeveless, white top that had to be tied up at the collar and a tight orangey beige skirt. Fuck she looked so beautiful. "You" I breathed out making her blush "you don't look half bad howell" she complimented me back. "You ready for panic then?" I asked her "YES I FEEL LIKE MY HEARTS GONNA BURST" she squealed jumping up and down like a little child.
Rebecca got out her phone opened up twitter immediately "I want everyone to see this amazing night" she told me happily and pressed record. "Hey guys so for my birthday Dan... GOT ME PANIC! AT THE DISCO TICKETS AND WE'RE GONNA SEE THEM TONIGHT" she screamed into the camera much to the taxi drivers dismay. "How are you feeling Daniel?" She asked me calming down a bit "pssh I'm fine, not dying inside, who's catastrophe? At the picnic??" I answered making her laugh. She stopped recording and added a caption 'mini vlog #1' and tweeted it. A couple seconds later comments started popping up like 'THATS SO CUTE' 'I'm so jealous of you :'(' 'I ship it' 'aww look at Dan staring at her #hearteyeshowell'. And she was reading them in front of me, not awkward at all.
Once we had made our first stop at the restaurant, I paid the driver making Rebecca mad and helped her out of the car like a gentleman. "So d man where we eating" she asked. "Yes I am the dick man" I spoke making her choke "sushi, we're having sushi" I confirmed trying to calm her down. "I hate you" she laughed sitting down at our table.
We ordered our food and when it came I couldn't help but dig in, it looked almost as good as Rebecca tonight (smooth Dan, smooth). Rebecca had her phone up and was giggling like a maniac at it. She put it down and started to type for a minute and then continued to laugh at my confused expression. "What?" I asked innocently and she passed me her phone. It was a video of me eating my food with the strawberry filter on snapchat. "I hate you" I told her "I've already put it on snapchat and Twitter" she told me laughing and I began to smile "I'll have my revenge Jones" I said evilly and laughed like one of those stereotypical villains. I checked her Twitter and all the comments were people saying how much 'this blessed them' I could practically feel the screenshots.
ARE VICTORIOUS" everyone screamed at the top of their lungs as the first song of the show commenced. After Brendon jumping around the stage, doing back flips and singing victorious the song was finished. The music for victorious came on again and Brendon started to speak "how are you guys tonight?!" Brendon asked us and Rebecca grabbed my hand tightly.  The whole crowd screamed and Brendon smiled "how about an old classic?!" He asked and the music for I constantly thank God for Esteban came on and me and Rebecca screamed being old panic fans. Brendon definitely went higher than when I saw them last but it still sounded amazing.
Rebecca finally started to vlog halfway through the show when time to dance started to play and I could feel my teenage emo start to crawl out of me.

"Holy shit that was amazing!!!" Rebecca screamed as we walked to her apartment holding hands tightly "I think my love for panic has been re-kindled" I told her making her laugh. She got out her phone again and started to record "soooo we just saw panic!!" She squealed again "they were so good!!" I chimed in with a haven't you people ever heard of "trust me, Brendon is even hotter in real life" she smirked and I couldn't help but feel a bit jealous, "when he took his shirt off I was dead, his body is so bloody toned" I rolled my eyes subconsciously not even realising I was on video and that people might take this the wrong way. "Seriously they were so good" she cried "oh my god so good" I joined in "thank you so much Daniel" she thanked me, "how about a virtual hug" she suggested and hugged me tightly with the phone still in her hand, she went back and I couldn't help the light blush on my cheeks even though she was recording me. "Hope you guys have a great night and it's peace out from me and dan" she spoke "see y'all later" I saluted and she stopped recording

"Seriously Dan, thank you so much for tonight, I really wanted to see them live and thanks to you I could" the atmosphere completely changed in like three seconds.  It went from friendly fun to serious business. "It's okay, I'm glad that you had fun tonight" I told her, what was I supposed to say I literally couldn't think of anything to say. She tucked a piece of hair behind her ear, bit her lip and looked up at me. Okay I read somewhere that this was a signal from a girl that she wants to kiss you so I looked right back at her

 Okay I read somewhere that this was a signal from a girl that she wants to kiss you so I looked right back at her

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Something like this, idk use your imagination kids

I started to lean in and my eyelids started to drop ever so slightly until I saw her do the same and closed them completely. "No, I can't I have a boyfriend" she muttered stopping me quickly. In that moment I could feel my heart stop. Then Rebecca put her hand through my chest, pulled out my heart, squeezed it, threw it on the floor and stepped on it violently. After I stepped out of my daydream, I was forced back into the harsh reality of tonight. "oh" I gathered with all my thoughts. "I really didn't mean to lead you on or anything, I thought we established we wanted to be just friends" She explained sounding quite sad and possibly disappointed in herself. "no no, it's fine really" I told her, "promise me you'll let me meet the lucky guy". She looked up from the ground and actually smiled. "thank you so much for everything tonight Dan" she thanked me even with the awkward tension. I smiled weakly at her, she took this as a sign to kiss me gently on my cheek and left me all alone outside her apartment as I watched her disappear into her building. 

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