part 18

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Rebecca's POV:

~one week later~

"Rebecca I really need to tell you something" George said seriously grabbing my hand to pull me down, "so i've been keeping this secret from you for quite a while" As soon as he said this my mind wandered to some very dark possibilities, what if he killed my parents? what if when I was gone he deleted my youtube channel? what if he was breaking up with me? 

"You're such a nice and lovely person, so it's not fair on you to keep putting time into me" he started, I racked my brain thinking about what he could possibly mean. "i've been... i've been. seeing someone else" there it was, the big secret. He had been cheating on me, he never liked me. I could feel my whole body turn into the weight into led as I could feel tears well up in my eyes, I tried to push them back so he wouldn't know how I actually felt. "i'm so sorry Rebecca, I like you, I really do" George explained, "but I love her". Wow, that hurt a lot. I was just someone to like and find nice, I wasn't someone to love. 

"what, how, who" I choked out trying to hide my tears. "she's a client at my law firm and i'm so sorry, I didn't want to cheat but I can't control who I love" he told me. "goodbye George" I muttered with my vision blurry with tears. 

George took the hint and left my apartment without another word, leaving me on my sofa sitting completely still. As soon as I heard the door slam, I crashed my head down on the pillows and cried silently. I felt like shit when I thought about Dan. thought. I never acted on them, unlike George. 


I heard a knock on my door which awoke me from my sleep on the sofa. I wiped away the dry tears on my face and wiped my mouth, I must of fallen asleep crying about him. How pathetic. I was met with bright blue eyes in my doorway, telling me it was Phil "you forgot your laptop yesterday" he explained before I cut him off with a huge hug causing him to stumble back a bit. "he was seeing someone else" I muffled through my tears, he wrapped his arms around me tightly, rested his head on top of mine and rocked and shushed me like a little baby. 


For one and a half weeks i'd sat around in my flat, moping around, eating copious amounts of junk food and binge watching tv shows on netflix. I hadn't released any videos or even any tweets for that matter, I was sure my audience thought I was dead. I checked my phone ,which was on do not disturb mode, to see if George had texted me wanting me back. He didn't. It was only Phil. 

'hey Becca. I know that you're probably really upset about the breakup seeing as you don't want anyone coming around. But I'm glad you liked the flowers and chocolate me and Dan sent you' I had, that was so sweet of them, at least there was always two guys that loved me. I texted them both saying thanks and even tweeted a picture of them 'two lovely boys, Dan and Phil, sent me flowers and chocolates after dealing with some personal problems. Thanks guys'. 

'Just to let you know, me and Dan decided to be social this year and throw a christmas party! it would be great if you could come, and it would do you some good to get out the house. At least think about it'. 

I had to go. I couldn't sit in my house for the rest of my life being sad about a dick who's probably off having the time of his life with someone he loves. Theres things to do and there's a life to live. The party was tomorrow and i'm ready to go out because i'm so over George. I don't need to feel sad about him anymore. 

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