Part 28

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Dan's POV: 

4. It's four o'clock. I vowed to myself I would do it now. I just can't. One more hour won't do any harm. The minutes ticked away rapidly, counting down until one of the best things in my life currently could die. 

5. It's time. No more procrastinating. I have to do it now. I shuffled over to my cupboard and picked out the darkest shade of black I could find. Black skinny jeans, black jumper and black shoes. "shouldn't you bring flowers or something?" Phil questioned leaning on my door frame. "Flowers aren't going to change what I did Phil" I snapped at him, immediately regretting it seeing Phil's hurt expression, "She's not into that stuff anyways. But thanks anyway".

"You ready Dan?" "yes. I'm ready for real this time" "Good luck then" Phil patted my shoulder as I walked out of the building. I walked slowly to Rebecca's house with my head down, feeling more sick the closer I approached her house. 

Here I was. Outside the black door to her apartment. This was it. Was I really ready to throw away everything I had with Rebecca. *knock knock* my knuckle hit the cold door, there was no turning back now. 

Rebecca's POV:

"Honestly that's what my problem is- *knock knock*" My recording was cut off by someone knocking at my door. No one was coming around today thats why I was filming. I straightened out my thin black jumper and ran to the door and quickly opened it. 

I looked up to see Dan. But it didn't look like him. His sparkly brown eyes where now a plain dark brown with no more light shining through guaranteed to make my heart melt. His warm skin was so pale like he was sick, he had terrible bags under his eyes and his usual pink plump lips had a grey tint to them. This wasn't the Dan I was used too. Something was wrong.  

"Dan, what are you doing here?" I pondered, "not that that's bad or anything- I just wasn't expecting you" "so what are you doing?" he muttered. "I was just filming a video" "cool". An awkward silence flooded the apartment which was very unsettling. That never happened with Dan. 

"Do you want something to drink or-" "Rebecca, I have something to tell you" he started. I suddenly felt a huge lump at the back of my throat, he was going to dump me. I wasn't good enough, that sentence always seemed to nerve me. "what is it?" I spoke softly. "Before I tell you, I just want you to know that I love you so much Rebecca" he proclaimed. My mind was going crazy with different thoughts, if he loves me then he won't dump me, right? What could he possibly confess to me that would make him have to say he loves me before. 

"I did something stupid, very stupid. And I need to tell you" he chocked out looking down at the floor. "you can tell me Dan, I won't judge" I said placing my hand on his cheek causing him to look up at me. He looked into my eyes and I wanted to cry so bad, some bad news was about to be given. 

"So when I went to Jesse's birthday party, I got very drunk and it turns out that Jesse likes me romantically" I could feel my face tense and my heart stop. He cheated didn't he? No. Dan would never do that, it must be a funny story about how he rejected her, right? "So she took me to a balcony and as her song was playing. She kissed me. And I kissed back. If it weren't for Phil, we may have gone further." he confessed. 

He cheated. He actually did it. I never thought that he would be the type of guy to do that. Yes it was just a kiss but he said they would have gone further. My heart hurted, my vision became blurry from the tears threatening to spill and my whole body trembling. "Did it mean anything?" I quivered. "What" "the kiss, did it mean anything to you- please tell me it didn't" "I don't think I can say that Rebecca". I wanted to be strong and not cry but hearing those words fall from the guy I was madly in love with hurt like hell. I couldn't help it anymore. tears fell from my damp eyes and fell down my face, the salty taste dripping into my mouth. Dan came forward to hug me but I pushed him away, I was too mad at him. "Don't touch me." I yelled," I can't believe that slut went after a guy whose taken" "that may have never come up" he muttered. 

I could feel the blood in my body start to boil. My heart starting beating rapidly, I wasn't sad anymore. "SO YOU DIDN'T FUCKING TELL HER- NOT ONCE- THAT YOU HAD A BLOODY GIRLFRIEND" I screamed. "I'm sorry Rebecca" "WELL YOU DON'T NEED TO TELL HER THAT ANYMORE BECAUSE YOU HAVE NO GIRLFRIEND NOW" Dan's faced dropped, what did he expect me to do. I wasn't going to stay with a guy who would be so cruel to me. 

" I really can't believe you Dan." I spat," I thought you were different- when in reality you're like all the other dicks i've dated!". "WELL IF YOU WEREN'T SUCH A BITCH, MAYBE I WOULDN'T HAVE KISSED ANOTHER GIRL" he retorted causing me to slap him around the face, "How dare you blame this on me" I growled, "You know what, why don't you go and date that tart- you two would be perfect for each other" "WELL MAYBE I WILL" "GOOD" "GOOD" "FINE" "FINE"

"I'm sorry Rebecca, I don't want to end our relationship like this" He apologised. Part of me wanted to jump in his arms and kiss him. and the other part of me wanted to scream at him. "I know. You gave me the best year of my life" I admitted. Dan came up to me and hugged me. His smell was so comforting, his grip made me feel safe. I didn't want to let go. I loved him with all my heart. 

"I'm scared to let go Dan" I confessed. "Me too" He whispered," I love you so much" "I Love you too". We pulled apart slowly which made my heart feel like it was being stabbed. I looked up at Dan and into his beautiful eyes which were filled with tears. I wiped them away and rested my hand on his cheek, "don't cry Dan" I said causing us both to tear up more. He started to lean towards me slowly and I didn't resist. We both needed one last kiss. His lips were warm against my ice cold ones, we both moved in sync. The kiss was filled with love and felt very gentle. Eventually, we both started to pull away at the same time. This brought me back to reality causing me to start crying. 

"Goodbye Rebecca" "Goodbye Dan". Dan turned around and started to walk out. I ran up to my room and started crying softly. It was over. Everything, our first date, our first time together, the first time he kissed me, the first time we said I love you. I looked out of my bedroom window to see Dan walking home in the dark streets. I watched him fade into the darkness, leaving me forever. 

I guess we were only meant to be, Just friends. 

And thats it! Just friends is finally over! what a ending am I right?


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