Part 10

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Rebecca's POV:
I put in my earphones, straightened my big pink jumper and started to head towards my gate. We were finally boarding the plane after two hours delay. I went to my allocated seat on the plane, sat down and relaxed. I had to get up at five am and head to Gatwick airport. I closed my eyes and breathed slowly waiting for the plane to take off.

---------------le time skip-----------------------
I wheeled my suitcase through the hotel lobby and checked in just wanting to sleep because there was a screaming baby and a terrible mother next to me for an eight hour flight.
I collapsed onto the shiny white bed sheets in my hotel room. Vidcon had hooked me up with a really nice hotel room. Mini kitchen, big en-suite and a lovely bedroom.
"Surprise!" I heard a voice yell from my doorway and I screamed not knowing who it was and especially that it came out of nowhere. "Relax it's only me" the voice spoke this time coming towards my room. The figure emerged and went into the light, I instantly felt a million times safer when it turned about to be Anthony. "Anthony you dick" I giggled hitting him with a pillow jokingly. "Maybe I should of knocked" he said wrapping his arms around me. "Ya think" I joked receiving the hug.
" okay so tonight, all the creators are coming out to the restaurant and dance thing in the hotel, and you have to come Rebecca. "Anthony told me. "Yea of course mate" I confirmed. What the hell am I gonna wear.


I finished the last bits of my eyeliner, praying that it went well. I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw that it looked kinda even. Well the right eye was a little bit more in than the left one, but my side fringe covered it so it didn't  really matter that much. I applied a berry tone lipstick and straightened out my tight black dress, okay I was ready and looked presentable. Before I ran out of the house I quickly put on my black strappy heels and applied some hairspray on my curled hair.

I headed to the event and quickly found my friends from America who I hadn't seen in ages. This is why I loved vidcon, as well as meeting so many cool viewers, you could catch up with friends you barely ever saw.

By the middle of the night, most people were drunk already. Tyler Oakley was quite a mess, actually kissing everyone here in different places. Lilly got wayyyyy too into the music. Grace Helbig was falling asleep everywhere and most people got really rowdy. I had slightly too much tequila and was slightly dizzy. I was walking back from the bathroom when I bumped into someone. "Looks like someones had slightly too much to drink" A familiar voice spoke. I looked up to see the person only for Dan to be revealed. Suddenly the intro for wild started to play and we could hear everyone go wild!
"May I have this dance M'lady" Dan asked putting on a posh accent. "It would be my pleasure noble sir" I answered playing along with Dans medieval act. He lead me onto the dance floor, holding my hand so I wouldn't fall over. 

As if someone was doing this on purpose, Dance Dance by Fall Out Boy started to echo throughout. Dan grabbed me by the hands and to fit in with everyone else, he pulled me close so that our groins were touching. Now me being 'slightly' drunk felt kinda turned on by this action and wanted to be even closer to him if that was possible right now. We moved together in time with the beat, trying my hardest to look some what sexy right now. Dan looked so hot and turned on right now. What if he was feeling the same as me right now? Should I make a move? Without overthinking it, I grabbed him by the face and pulled his lips to mine. He started to kiss back and my courage started to bubble in my stomach. I could feel his hands exploring my body and I really didn't mind. I started to move my hands through his hair, wrapping each little strand I encountered around my fingers and the kiss started to deepen. The scene was bought to a halt when some generic pop song came on and I was somehow dragged away from Dan.

I didn't feel like dancing so I went to the bathroom to quickly re-apply my lipstick that was now probably all over Dans face. Maybe I should wear liquid lipsticks from now on whenever i'm around Dan.
No one probably saw that, everyone was wasted and everyone was packed together on the dance floor so no one recognised us. Shit, what if someone was vlogging, calm down Rebecca no one vlogs half way through the night, okay maybe Cat would but ill speak to her tomorrow.

Right now my main priority was finding Dan and... maybe finishing off what we started?
I headed out to the dance floor searching for Dan. Three minutes after looking I made eye contact with someone I was pretty sure was Dan. Brown hair, brown eyes and extremely tall (hopefully it wasn't Anthony)

'Dan' started to walk over to me and I did the same. The closer we got the clearer I could see the lust in his eyes. "REBECCA!" A familiar voice yelled out in front of me. It was Grace. "Me and some others are gonna do some shots, come join!" She grabbed me by the hand and I was too weak to fight back so I mouthed sorry to Dan and went off with Grace.

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