Part 7

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Rebeccas POV:

I quickly scrubbed all the remainders of cake off my walls before everyone arrived because I could not be bothered to make an excuse as to why Amy's cake is all over my wall. Fuck, I had to make myself look presentable, I just threw on a comfy black skater skirt, black and white stripy tshirt and knee high socks. I couldn't be that bothered with makeup so I threw some concealer on my bags and spots and applied some mascara to make me look more awake and eyeliner, a lot of eyeliner, what I liked a thick cat eye. I brushed my hair so it wouldn't be as knotty and yeah whatever, I can't be bothered.

I heard a knock on my door and ran to go answer it. "Coming!" I yelled and then opened the door. "HI!"Amy chirped as usual and pulled me into a hug making me uncomfortably wrap my arms around her. Dan smiled at me disinterestedly and returned to going on his phone, rude. "Phillip" "Rebecca" We greeted each other whilst doing our secret handshake, God we were so lame. We learnt it when Dan and Amy were in a makeout session yesterday.

"What are you guys even doing?" Amy moaned. "Photoshoot babe" Dan told her. "Why can't I come?" Amy whined and I decided to butt in, "Well its Dan and Phil, not Dan and Phil and Amy" I tried to make that sound like a joke but it turned out quite bitchy. Dan looked up at me in shock, Amy looked horrified and Phil was trying his best to hold back his laughter. I could see Amy wipe some tears from her eyes and then she ran to the bathroom causing Dan to run after her. As soon as Dan was gone Phil burst out laughing, "Becca you are savage" he snickered.

"What the fuck Rebecca" Dan complained walking over to me, "That was so mean, you made Amy cry". "I'm gonna go check on Amy" Phil uttered awkwardly trying to get away from the shit that was about to go down. "Um overreaction much?" I pointed out, "I stated the obvious and she cried, it was a fucking joke" Dan grabbed me by my wrist and took me into my room and closed the door behind.
"What is going on with you Rebecca?" Dan spoke angrily, " You've been such a bitch" "Don't call me a bitch" I spat. "What is it with you and Amy, she's been nothing but nice to you and you treat her like shit" He retorted madly. "First of all, she's so fucking annoying" I started, "All she talks about is her precious Dan, oh Dan does this and he's so cute. What's that? you did something productive, oh well Dan says i'm productive, here's a cute story about Dan. Dan, Dan, Dan" I mocked her in a high pitched voice.

"Oh so you're jealous?" he uttered spitefully. "You fucking wish" I retorted sourly, "this bitch doesn't have a mind of her own". "DO NOT CALL HER THAT"he screamed at me which caught me off guard, "YOU KEEP CALLING HER THAT, BUT IF YOU ACTUALLY LOOKED IN THE MIRROR YOU WOULD SEE WHO THE REAL BITCH IS". Shit, that hurt, that really hurt. "So what if she really likes me, at least she feels something unlike a slut like you" He spat.

Shit. If him calling me a bitch hurt, this must of been him murdering me. I tried to speak and fight back, but only whimers could escape my lips and I could feel tears start to build up in my eyes. "You know what, fuck you Dan" I managed to cry, "I can't even tell who between you and Amy is more stuck up each others arse." I stormed out of my room wiping the tears out of my eyes, I tried to think of the best place to hide but I couldn't stand to be near Dan and Amy. I headed for the front door but Phil grabbed my wrist to hold me back but I slapped it away and ran out the front door.

I didn't know where to go, I didn't want to go to any of my friends house because then they would see in me in such a horrible state and would only cause drama. Not a cafe with me crying, that would be so awkward. I looked around, trying to think of a possible place.
I saw signs for a local park so I headed there to clear my head. I sat down on an empty bench and bawled my eyes out, I didn't care about all the people that were starting. Right now I don't care about what strangers think when a guy I really liked called me a slut.
I looked down at my skirt and realised how high it was. I had a lot of eyeliner on and I have been out with quite a few guys before. Maybe Dan was right, was I a slut? I wiped a few tears away, pulled down my skirt, spat on my sleeve and tried to scrape they eyeliner off my eyes. Before I could damage my eyeliner I thought to myself, wearing eyeliner doesn't make you a slut, it makes you just like wearing eyeliner. What if I showed my legs off, I was proud of them and waxing is painful so why not make the most of them. So what if i've had a lot of boyfriends, maybe i'm just that irresistible.

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