Part 12

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Rebeccas POV:
I quickly applied to finishing touches to my makeup and put on my red leather jacket that went perfectly with the tight black dress I was wearing. I sprayed some hairspray on my newly curled hair which I left down and 'messy'. "Jesus Christ Becca hurry up" Bradley moaned coming into my room "this doesn't just happen" I joked gesturing to my face. "Put on a mask that would be a huge improvement" he told me and I pushed him playfully out of the room.
I grabbed my purse and headed into the lounge to see dan, Bradley and his beautiful fiancé Erika. "Erika it's been forever! Congratulations on the engagement" I hugged her and she thanked me," good luck on being with my brother forever" I whispered into her ear making her laugh. "That won't be a problem will it babe" Bradley said coming up behind Erika and she kissed him in return. I faked a gagging sound and hid behind Dan "yo where's P-dog?" I asked Dan, "oh yeah he has food poisoning" he told me staring into my eyes. "Aw poor guy, I'll buy him some chocolates" I said sympathetically. Dan kissed me on the forehead and wrapped his arm around me "ready?" He asked Bradley and Erika who had just finished kissing. "Rebecca you didn't tell me you were dating Dan" she smiled looking over at us "hah no" me and Dan said in unison, "we're only friends" it seems as if this phrase had been second nature to us, we always said it to literally everyone. "Well that's exactly how me and Bradley acted before we were official" she smirked and I could see Bradley getting quiet, he was such a protective brother.

Bradley and Erika walked in front of us and he put his arm around her waist and she leaned into him. "Ironic couple?" Dan suggested turning over to me and I nodded happily. Dan wrapped his arm around my torso and I relaxed into his grip and walked lazily with him. Wow he cleans up nicely, I've been so comfortable with him I've mostly seen Dan in sweatpants and baggy T-shirts. But tonight, he had a plain white shirt, black skinny jeans, black tight blazer, black shoes with golden zips, his hair was neatly done but not to neat and he hadn't shaved meaning there was some light stubble on his face which definitely made him sexier. He soon caught me staring and started to smirk at me "Remember this is only ironic, don't fall for me" he told me and the biggest grin appeared on my face. I looked down at my feet and tried to calm down the hot flush on my cheeks.

Once everyone had gotten comfortable in their chairs, Dan wrapped his arm around me and my breath immediately hitched. I prayed hoping he hadn't heard that, this was all supposed to be a joke, ironic couple, nothing more. Me and Erika ordered a Cosmo and Dan and Bradley ordered beer because they're both so manly.

"So you guys never told me the engagement story" I bought up as we all waited for the drinks to arrive. "It was so romantic, Brad really surprised me" Erika gushed and Bradley looked embarrassed. Bradley was not the romantic type, I had grew up with him and met his other girlfriends but he'd never been romantic, he hates romance just like me.

Erika proceeded to tell me the beautiful engagement story between them and I smiled through it but really wanting to throw up at the level of cheesiness. It was such a cliche engagement, but Erika had always loved a good cheesy love story and now she was part of one.
"Aww that's so cute" I cooed, "Are you sure that was Bradley?" I joked making them both laugh. It was kinda cute but so bloody cheesy, I probably wouldn't want to be proposed to like that.

After what seemed like an eternity of waiting, our drinks finally came. The waiter bringing the drinks was pretty cute (not as cute as Dan though) he had light brown hair and light hazel eyes that seemed to twinkle in the dark lighting of the restaurant. "I'll get the couples cocktail menus for you guys then" he told us and me and Dan both looked at each other "no no no, we're not a couple" we both said, again with that phrase. The waiter started to smirk "oh okay only one couple menu" he clarified. His voice was deep and slightly raspy which sounded oddly hot. When the guy walked away Erika nudged and raised her eyebrows at me. As soon as the cute waiter came near us again Dan decided to go to the bathroom. "I'll be back soon babe" he told me and pecked my lips. I didn't mind Dan kidding me, but did he have to do that right now when the cute waiter was right behind us. He looked at me confused but smiled afterwards and I actually wanted the ground to swallow me up.


After the meal everyone was fighting over the cheque, me and Erika weren't allowed to pay no matter how much we protested so now Bradley and Dan were debating over who pays it. Eventually they came to an agreement, Dan pays me for me and him and Bradley pays for him and Erika.
Like most swanky places in London this restaurant had a dance floor. Bradley and Erika were slightly drunk and dancing together. Me and Dan stood by the wall awkwardly on our phones. "You're very pretty" a voice spoke to me, I turned around to see the hot waiter talking to me. The only guy I wanted was Dan, but he didn't like me back and this guy seemed nice so whatever. After a couple drinks with him and some chats he asked me to dance and I said yes, in the corner of my eye I saw Dan look up from his phone and look at me Instead.  

Drakes one dance came on and the vibe totally changed, the waiter who's name I found out was Alex pulled me closer and we moved our hips together in time with the beat. After two minutes with Alex I felt two hands pull me by the waist and into an entirely new person. I was ready to slap a bitch until I saw the person was Dan and I started to get nervous again.

"I prefer it when you dance with me" he whispered into my ear and I wanted to explode at him. I felt the rage build up inside of me, how dare he I did not belong to him. I was my own person and he did not own me we weren't even dating properly so he had no right to bring me back to him. My rage was quickly replaced with chills as soon as I felt his cold lips smash onto mine.
This was new. He'd never done something like this before. He'd said something about wanting to be with me and then kissed me. I quickly accepted the kiss after one second of thinking. I leaned my neck back and pressed his crotch more into mine, my hands subconsciously went into his hair and started to mess it up. I was fairly certain that Alex was watching us but I was kissing the guy I wanted, no needed.  And that's all that mattered right now.

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