Part 23

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WARNING- this chapter gets a bit smutty towards the end so if you don't like stuff like that I will put a disclaimer on when you may want to skip the chapter. Thanks!

Rebecca's POV:

My eyes slowly opened revealing Dan's room, suddenly a wave of panic hit me 'what am I doing here' 'is someone with me' my thoughts were cut off my a warm feeling on the back of my neck. I turned over slowly and saw a sleeping Dan Howell. His eyes fluttered open and he smiled softly at me.

 "Good morning beautiful" he said in a husky morning voice kissing my cheek, then it all came back to me I was dating him. "Morning, boyfriend" I replied grinning. Being with Dan was amazing, I had been dreaming of this moment for ages. "hey, you know what day it is today?"Dan asked smiling and i shrugged, "why is it something important, the only thing today that i can think of is Zoe's bir-" I looked up at him seeing his signature smirk "happy one year knowing you!" he said kissing my cheek "this time last year, we were just friends" 

I started to blush and knew exactly why, "why are you blushing?" he smirked, he knew exactly what he was doing, "well, I may of had a little crush on you before we met, and during our friendship" I muttered feeling my face turn pink, "ah, really" he chuckled I looked up at him feeling mortified, "don't feel bad, I did too" he confessed biting his lip teasingly and my eyes lit up. 

"BREAkFAST IS READY!" Phil yelled from the kitchen, Dan took my hand and dragged me off the bed. "Ohh pancakes" Dan cooed grabbing a knife and fork,
"thank you, thank you. You may or may not get food poising" Phil uttered taking a bow and we all fell into fits of laughter.

-----------------------------------le time skip------------------------------------------------  

"happy birthday Zoe" we all said down the phone, "ah thanks guys!" she said, "no huge party this year!" she giggled "you know because of that party Rebecca became friends with me and Dan" Phil chirped, "Oh that's great, see a Zoe party can change people's lives" she joked. "well me and Becca aren't really just friends anymore" Dan said slowly looking at me, "Oh my God. YOU'RE DATING! YAY! I TOTALLY SHIPPED RAN!' she screamed and we all chuckled at her child like excitement. 

Dan's POV:

"so, you don't mind it just being me and her tonight?" i double checked with Phil. 

"of course i don't mind Danny" "please don't call m-" "you haven't been this stressed out since when you actually asked Rebecca out! Good luck Daniel" he told me patting me on the back and walking out of my room. The reason I was so nervous was that tonight, I was going to tell Rebecca I loved her. this could either go wonderfully or horrifically bad. 

I checked the mirror for the hundredth time making sure that i didn't look like a tramp. Suits weren't the most comfortable things but tonight was gonna be special so I didn't care. I closed my eyes and went over the plan over again in my head. Tonight was going to be perfect (I hope).

"come on Dan, you're gonna be late!" phil yelled from the living room.
"good luck tonight Dan" Phil said putting my jacket on for me while I checked my hair. "what if everything goes wrong Phil? what do I do then?! " "Dan, this is Rebecca we're talking about. She's the girl of your dreams and she won't care if tonight goes a little bit off schedule" Phil reassured me. "thanks Phil, i needed to hear that." 

"go on Dan!" Phil cheered as I walked out the door ready for tonight.


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