Part 6

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Rebecca's POV:

I stepped off the huge plane and started walking down those silver steps. I happily took in my surroundings missing the cold English air.  It had been five months since I had gone home due to me filming something with the bbc causing me to travel to loads of exoctic places.

I put the key in the lock and started to twist. I was so excited to go into my apartment and crash out on my own, lovely and comfortable bed. Instead of walking into an empty messy apartment, I walked in on a spotless one with Phil trying to hang up a 'welcome home' banner. I coughed waiting for him to realise that I was here, he turned around startled and popped a party popper when he realised it was me. "Rebecca!" He cheered engulfing me in a warm hug, "You came home early, me and Dan were planning to have a mini party" "yeah, I came home earlier than expected, but thanks for the party!" I gestured towards the banner.

Suddenly Dan walked in and my whole face lit up, I had missed him so much and I hadn't even heard from him that much, unlike Phil who talked to me a lot. I started walking towards him, ready to give him a huge hug. But, I was stopped when a young girl followed him in. I started to focus on her features instead of saying anything , she had soft wavy ginger hair, piercing green eyes, pale skin, bright smile and was quite short. Who was this? Was she a random person that no one knew here? Was she Dan's girlfriend?

"Oh Rebecca, this is my friend from uni, Amy" Dan introduced me to her, "it's so nice to meet you!" She cheered pulling me into a hug, "you too" I mumbled trying to sound sincere. I was so pissed off at Dan that had bought some random girl here when I hadn't seen him in five months. Even though this girl seemed nice, here I was in her arms instead of Dan's.
"Hey Rebecca, wanna unpack your suitcase?" Phil asked and without my answer he dragged me into my room.
"In case you haven't noticed, I don't want to help you unpack" Phil told me seriously and I slowly closed my suitcase lid. "Amy" he started and I know I shouldn't be interested, but I wanted to get all the dirt I could on her, "her and Dan are... kinda dating" in that moment, my heart flooded with disappointment. There was no chance of being with Dan now. "Oh okay, they're really cute" I lied. "Really?" Phil said with his eyebrow raised. "Yeah, they're both adults if they want to date, who's stopping them" I responded coolly, mentally high fiving myself for that great answer, "i don't even know why Dan didn't tell me" I cheekily added. "He thought you might be upset" he told me, "crazy right?" "Dan's so stupid, there's no reason I'd be jealous" I scoffed. That was a lie, I cared, a lot. I had always had a crush on him but ever since he saved me a couple months back, my feelings started to grow stronger toward him. "Sorry to intrude" Dan interrupted, "but Amy made cake and she wants everyone to eat". Great, she's a baker. Another reason she's perfect for Dan.

"Here, I cut a big slice for you" She whispered to me, "I know after traveling I like to eat a lot". What a bitch, is she saying i'm fat. She gave everyone a slice and sat down next to Dan, she snuggled up to him and he put his arm around her. How I wished I was Amy.

I sat down next to Phil and took a bite of my cake, fuck it was delicious, the sponge was so fluffy and the icing was smooth and vanilla flavoured. "Wow Amy you made this yourself!" Phil complimented. "Yup, baking is my passion"she responded happily. She really was the opposite of Dan, damn it, she's perfect for him.

"Amy, do you wanna tell them" Dan whispered to her, he wasn't very good at being discreet and I could hear every word clearly. "Guys, we have an announcement to make!" Amy started. "We're dating!" They said in unision, ugh how cheesy. "Whaaaat?! I had no idea, congratulations guys!" Phil cheered, he wasn't very good at acting, the probably told him to act surprised so I wouldn't feel bad. "Congratulations" I choked out pretending to be happy for them.


"we best get going then" Amy spoke causing everyone to get up, usually we would talk for hours, but this time it was so awkward because me and Phil would sit in silence while Dan and Rebecca did couply things.

"I left some cake for you rebecca" Amy told me in the kitchen and I nodded politely. "bye Becca" Phil said hugging me, "Take care love" Amy smiled and did that weird kiss people do on my cheek.

"i'll text you when we get back" Phil informed me, "I'll probably be sleeping because damn that documentary I shot for five months exhausted me" I remarked bitterly trying to get my point across. Ever since they told us they where dating all amy talked about was her and Dan, she wouldn't even shut up when someone tries to change the topic she would always find a way to bring it back to her and Dan. ' "So Rebecca, what was your favourite part of the trip?" Phil asked me. "Definitely when we went to this festival in Malaysia where everyone had lanterns and the whole city was lit by them"  I don't actually know if this is true I just got it from tangled I responded happily because the topic was moving on "OMG that reminds me of mine and Dan's first date, there was the romantic restaurant that was lit by candlelight" she said making me internally groan' I remembered getting annoyed at the fact the whole conversation turned into an amy and Dan love story.
Phil looked at me with a surprised look on his face, he was obviously shocked I was so shady. Amy just sent a dirty look my way which made me snigger, she looked like a kitten trying to be tough, and Dan couldn't care less. Whenever I spoke he didn't care and would always play with Amy's hair or kiss her but when she spoke it was like angels words.
I had been away for five months doing something amazing and all that we where talking about was how cute Dan and Amy where together.

They all left and I walked to my window to see them leave for some reason. When they got to the other side of the pavement I decided to go and do something, but then I saw Dan and Amy passionately kiss. I know it shouldn't bother me but I couldn't help my blood boiling, tears welling up in my eyes and me screaming in anger.
"WHO THE FUCK DOES THIS BITCH THINK SHE IS! I COME BACK FIVE MONTHS LATER FROM TRAVELLING AND ALL EVERYONE TALKS ABOUT IS THEIR LOVE LIFE. ITS BULLSHIT!" I yelled to myself stomping around my house. "I HATE HER SO FUCKING MUCH" I grabbed the whole cake with my hands and chucked it at the wall in rage. I panted heavily and then immediately started to regret the decision I had just made.
I watched the remainders of the cake that didn't squash against the wall fall on the floor.
The rage I felt started to melt away and now I felt sadness overtake it. I started to cry properly and all I wanted to do was snuggle up on my bed, eat horrendous amounts of junk food and watch breaking bad. But no, because of me being a psycho I had to clean up all the mess I made. I grabbed a damp cloth and a bottle of wine, I didn't even bother with a glass.
I took away all the huge pieces of cake and put them in the bin, I started trying to wipe off all the bits on the wall but that failed and I found myself sobbing and drinking out of a wine bottle whilst sobbing. Maybe I had been a bit harsh with Amy, I was just jealous that she was dating Dan and he was romantically interested in her while I was here crying over him.

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