Part 21

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Rebecca's POV:

ITS THE MOST DEPRESSING TIME OF THE YEAR! (Hopefully you read that in 'its the most wonderful time of the year' song voice :P) It was that time of the year when everyone takes down their wonderful Christmas decorations making their houses bare and boring. Everyone goes back to school and work and the magic and spirit from peoples eyes are stripped away like the look you gave when you found out father Christmas wasn't real, how depressing. The only good thing about going back to London is seeing Dan. He finally asked me out after a lot of confusing feelings and we started to date much to Phil's happiness. We got together at a really shit time as we were going home to see our families for Christmas so we had to wait for ages to see each other in person.

I entered my apartment, not excited for what was going to be there, I left without cleaning meaning there were going to be loads of clothes from were I'd been packing and stuff,  it was a pigsty. I opened the door and to my surprise the place was spotless, I was sure it wasn't clean when I left. I left my suitcase by the door, kicked my shoes off and went to explore the rest to see if it was equally as clean.  I walked into my living room to see what was there and on the sofa was Dan sleeping. He must of been behind this. He looked so cute sleeping, stop doing that, that's creepy. His chest was gently rising up and down as his hands were gently plastered on top. He looked so cute. My christmas tree was still up causing tiny flecks of fake tree to have fallen everywhere. 

 I lightly tapped his shoulder and he started to open his eyes. "Dan, wake up" I whispered gently. "Rebecca?!"he uttered sounding slightly startled, He lept up and connected our lips rapidly. I kissed him back feeling a slight ecstasy build up in my system, I'd been waiting for what seems for an eternity to be with Dan and now that I was with him I couldn't be happier. Dan seemed to feel the same way as he kissed my lips hungrily and wrapped his arms around me quite tightly. My hands were placed at the base of his neck and the quick nature of the kiss made me run my hands through the back of his hair making it all messy and crazy. 

Dan pulled away from the heated kiss and started into my eyes as I basically melted into his soft brown ones"Do you wanna-"He started before I cut him off reading his mind, "yes" he smiled at me happily before grabbing my hand and leading me to my bedroom. He kissed me a lot gentler this time as I started to tug at the ends of his tshirt, he laughed as he pulled away to help me out before tugging it off himself. He connected our lips once again and I placed my hands on his tall torso causing him to moan against my lips, he held onto the fabric of my shirt before I quickly slipped it over my head and chucked it on the floor along with Dan's. 

Dan's eyes scanned my chest sneakily before quickly rejoining the kiss. Our knees hit the bed causing us to tumble back onto it. I slightly moaned as Dan started to move my leggings down my legs painfully slow, he took this opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth as we both moved them together perfectly. I started to play with the waistband of his trousers but then he suddenly pulled away, before he tried to speak, the couple upstairs beat us to it but with moans and screams. Me and Dan groaned as he laid next to me "My place?" he suggested cheekily leaning over me "no way, not with Phil there" I laughed pushing him back down. 

~the next day~

Phil had invited me over to his and Dan's house for a 'games night' with some other friends which sounded so corny, I totally knew it wasn't going to go the way Phil planned it though, me and Dan would surely mess it up. 

As I walked up to their apartment, in the hallway to get there, I heard Dan and Phil laughing with some other mysterious voices. I walked over awkwardly trying to be invisible when Phil obviously noticed me, "Hey! Rebecca!" he yelled loudly causing everyone to look at me. Oh God. Phil gestured for me to come over."oh meet our new neighbours Jessie and  Ashley! They moved in next door from America!" Phil cheered. They stuck their hands out for me to shake and i did, "this is our friend Rebecca"Phil told them happily. The girls were beautiful, they were literally adorable girl versions of Dan and Phil. Ashley had big ice blue eyes full of happiness, pale skin and long blonde hair. She was wearing blue denim shorts and a white tank top with a cartoon cat on it, definitely Phil's type. 

Jesse's skin was perfectly tan, she had big lovely hazel eyes, long flowing brown hair, she was wearing a black leather skirt with a plain white tank top tucked into the skirt. "i like your hat"Dan said poking Jesse's bear hat that looked like dan's llama hat and Jesse started to blush. 
Okay I knew nothing was going to happen but I felt a wave of jealousy come over me. "well, it was nice meeting you guys" Ashley said "we'll see you soon!" Jesse waved to them "Bye!" the boys said in sync and i waved awkwardly. "well weren't they nice" Phil said smiling "yeah, we could all tell you have a thing for Ashley" Dan said. "No I don't! WELL YOU LIKE JESSE THEN" Phil yelled.

 Suddenly Dan whacked Phil around the face with a pillow "I like Rebecca silly" "good and i don't like Ashley" "sure"I replied rolling my eyes. Swiftly Phil whacked me with a pillow too and ran to his room cheekily "ALRIGHT THEN LESTER YOU LITTLE SHIT!" I yelled and ran after him. I walked into his room quietly and looked around for Phil. I suddenly heard Phil's laughing from behind me, i turned around but it was too late, he attacked me with the pillow "MWAHAHAHAHA" he cackled. I felt two strong hands take me from my waist, I turned around to see it was Dan smirking at me. He dropped me onto Phil's bed and looked at me devilishly. WHACK. He hit me gently not wanting to hurt me, but i'd still have my revenge "thanks Dan" "you're welcome"he said kissing my nose. I pushed him off me, grabbed a pillow and returned the favour. "owww" he moaned making me laugh "do you want me to kiss it better?" I asked in a motherly voice. He pouted his lip and enlarged his eyes, he nodded slowly trying to be a child as I pulled the clothing material off his shoulder and kissed where i'd hit him gently. 

"didn't you hit me in the dick?" he asked "fuck off" I scoffed as he kissed me this time. We were broken off by a knock on the door, Dan groaned and pulled away from me "deja vu right"He spoke making me blush remembering the scene from yesterday. Dan held my hand and walked us out of the door, I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear trying to seem as innocent as possible when Phil opened the door. Louise, Hazel, Dodie, Evan, Jack and Dean's warm and loud presence entered the house as we greeted them happily. "We've got cluedo set up right over there" Phil announced happily pointing to the lounge, he lived for these game nights with his friends, it was quite cute actually. 

Dodie noticed me and Dan holding hands and winked at us before walking into the lounge making me blush. Dan wrapped his arms around me again and pecked my lips "how can I live without you kisses for one night?" he stated dramatically "I guess we'll have to have more moments like this you nerd" I told him kissing his cheek before I entered the lounge. 

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