part 19

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Rebecca's POV:

After listening to a few songs about being an independent woman who didn't a man, I felt pumped up and ready to go to Phil's party. I put a face mask on to make my skin 'glow', I also spent ages shaving my legs, arms and everywhere else. I put on my outfit which was a reindeer christmas jumper, sheer black tights and a black skirt.

I did my hair, untangling all the knots and making it look a lot healthier. I threw on some reindeer ears to make myself look really festive. I moved onto makeup to hide my bags and spots. I put on some natural golden eyeshadow with some eyeliner making me look a lot more like myself. I smiled as I looked at my finished face in the mirror, you could barely tell i'd just gone through a breakup and had been crying for days.

I grabbed my purse, the box of chocolates and red wine I bought for Dan and Phil for throwing the party. I took a deep breath as I glanced at myself in the mirror, this was gonna be great.


Dan's POV:

"Hi" I greeted another guest opening up the door, i'd taken greeting duty even though that was Phil's forte, I did it to hopefully see Rebecca as soon as she arrived. Phil said she hadn't confirmed anything about coming and that she would just show up. I could litterally be waiting all night for her but I didn't mind, I just needed to see her. "Dan come play cards against humanity" Louise cheered spilling her white wine all over the place and grabbing my arm to pull me into Phil's room where the game was taking place. As I walked past, I saw pj and Evan battling each other in just dance and Hazel, zoe and Caspar dancing along where we had moved the dining table and other stuff into the office to make space for a dance floor.Phil had put fairy lights everywhere in that room, even some bunting making it look ridiculously festive.

Half way though the game, I gave up so I went to try and find Phil. I glanced at him and Felix having a deep conversation in the kitchen and felt way too awkward to interrupt them. I walked into the lounge ready to battle people in Mario kart, I was cut off when I saw Rebecca dancing like a schoolgirl with Dodie to 'all I want for Christmas' by Mariah Carey. She was actually here, she came and she seemed so happy. I sneakily made my way over to the dance floor, Rebeccas back was turned to me but Dodie saw me, she smiled at me and I winked at her signalling her not to say anything.

I tapped Rebecca's shoulder making her turn around slowly, it was like her whole face lit up. She flinged her little arms around me and I slowly picked her up a bit and span her around. I missed hugging her like this, I hugged her so tightly like i'd never let her go. Eventually I put her down and we beamed at each other. "i'll be right back" I heard her whisper to Dodie, who was now dancing with Jack, Dodie winked at her causing a pink blush to spread over her cheeks. I grabbed her by the hand and she dragged me to the staircase outside the office.

We sat down towards the top of the stairs really close to each other, it suddenly dawned on me I was still holding her hand which made me even more nervous. "I'm so glad you came Rebecca" I told her giving her another huge hug "I love your christmas jumper" She pointed to my jumper of the alien emoji wearing a christmas jumper. She started to look around and admire the setting, cute bunting with cartoon christmas trees and penguins and the staircase was wrapped with golden fairy lights. Phil said he wanted to make that one extra special because that was the first thing you saw before you came into the party. And i'm so glad he decorated it a lot, it looked so beautiful and it was the perfect setting to finally do it.

"Rebecca, there's something I really need to get off my chest and it could leave me being ridiculously happy or looking like a huge idiot" I started nervously. Rebecca gave me this adorable look it was like confusion cuteness and support mixed into one expression. "I really like you Rebecca. Whenever i'm around you I feel so happy and content and if you asked me for something or you ever needed something I would do it in a heartbeat regardless of crazy it was, i've only felt like this with you and I just always want to be with you. I don't think I can be just friends with you Rebecca" I blurted out and she still had the same expression on her face, "what i'm trying to say is, Rebecca Jones will you be my girlfriend". I stared into her eyes waiting for an answer, suddenly her eyebrows softened and she started to smile "yes" She beamed making fireworks go off in my chest.

She quickly put her hands on the side of my face and connected our lips, after realising what was going on I warmed into the kiss moving my hands to the side of her chest and her hands went around my shoulders. Our lips moved perfectly in sync together like something out of a movie. The kiss was long and full of love, this was everything I had ever dreamed of.

"you're actually my girlfriend" I moaned against her lips causing her to giggle and pull away. "yes and you're my boyfriend" she uttered happily tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. "when do you wanna start telling people?" she asked as I held her hand again "wouldn't it be best if we keep this as a secret for now, I mean we just started dating" I laughed, last time I had a public relationship when I first started YouTube when we broke up it was so messy because everyone knew. I have no intention the break up with Rebecca but it's best it's secret for now. "Can I tell dodie?" She asked happily "okay but only dodie" I said and she kissed me on my cheek "thanks".

Rebecca's POV:
I don't even care if me and George just broke up, if he could move on so could I. I was completely over George and now completely into Dan. I thought he'd never ask and I'd die of repressed feelings.
I was Dans girlfriend. And Dan was my boyfriend. I could totally get used to saying that.

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