Part 22

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Ashley's POV: (the girl Philly may have a little crush on)

"I like your hat" Dan said to jesse who started to blush and wasn't doing a great job of hiding it. "well, it was nice meeting you guys!" I said cheerfully "we'll see you soon"Jesse added on. "Bye!"the boys said together and the girl who's name I presume is Rebecca waved awkwardly. 

"weren't they nice!" I cheered "yeah, I suppose so"jesse said blushing. "SOMEONE HAS A LITTLE CRUSH ON DANNNN!"I sang, grabbing Jesse's wrist and twirling around with her. "I do not" "I'VE BEEN YOUR BEST FRIEND FOR 10 YEARS I CAN TELL WHEN YOU LIKE SOMEONE!"I continued to sing much to her dismay. "okay, maybe a really small one" my face lit up "his accent is pretty cute" she whispered "I KNEWWW ITTT!" "Anyway, that I think that girl with them may be his girlfriend" she uttered sounding disappointed.
"really, her with him. Even if they were dating, he would 100% choose you over her, I mean look at you" I told her "really?" "of course"I assured her, "now how about we internet stalk them" she nodded. I began to type Dan and Phil into google not sure what to expect, but as soon as I typed in Dan and, Their names were full of search suggestions. I clicked enter and loads of articles popped up. 

I looked over at Jesse and her mouth was wide open "these are our neighbours" she whispered "THEY ARE ACTUALLY OUR NEIGHBOURS WHAT THE FU-" "no swearing Jesse" "sorry" 

Sorry it was such a short chapter, but this chapter is quite important with all the big things happening soon. Next chapter will be a little bit more eventful, I promise 

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