Part 2

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Rebecca's POV:

Black dress, nude heels, nude clutch, makeup, hair. All things that had to be done tonight. I pulled myself into my dress which was quite tight (note to self: back off the chocolate), I squeezed my feet into heels which I hated wearing because they where so painful but they look good with dresses. I emptied my whole makeup bag onto the counter and got started. I probably poked myself with my eyeliner millions of times but eyeliner was worth it. I brushed all the tangles out of my hair, straightened it and styled it so it wasn't flat.

I quickly got out the door and hailed a taxi to get to the venue. Alfie fortunately decided to have it in London because it would be more convenient for everyone.

The venue was so well decorated, blue and pink streamers, balloons, banners and all the other part things where arranged beautifully (You could tell it was Zoe who was in charge of the decorations). Everything looked so nice and put together.

I soon spotted Zoe and went up to her so I could say hi and give her my gift. After we talked she had to go and see other people as she was the host after all.

i didn't really have anyone to talk too a lot of people couldn't come and everyone I knew where already deep in conversation so I was too awkward to butt into their conversations. I decided to stand in the corner, casually sip my drink and go on my phone like one of those cool kids who do that on tv.

I eventually made my way over to the food table because me and food are in a serious relationship.
my eyes were instantly glued to the cupcakes, I reached to grab one and then my hand met another persons reaching for the same cupcake, i instantly moved my hand away and picked up another one not making eye contact with the person.

"sorry" i mumbled

"what for?" the man said

I seemed to recognise that voice, but I couldn't put my finger on it. It was very articulate and nice, then my mind went straight to danisnotonfire saying 'its the sexy end screen dance' suddenly I realised I was taking too long to answer the man.

"ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm" I stuttered

I looked up hesitantly only to be met with the man's eyes. Those where the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen. They where a rich chocolate colour with golden specks that seemed to catch the light perfectly. The warm eyes made my stomach twist and my inside melt.

"Hey, You're Rebecca Jones! I love your videos" The voice seemed to match up now. I was here talking to Dan- freaking- Howell. Trying not to scream and cry I managed to spit out something. "Thanks, I really love yours too,Dan".

"Your eyes are so much prettier in person" He smiled sounding intrigued, "Such a lovely shade of blue" Instead of being creeped out by this remark, I actually felt really flattered so Dan Howell said he watches my videos and thinks my eyes are nice. Somebody pinch me.

"Your eyes are really nice too" I replied a little bit more confidently. Dan smiled and I noticed that it was slightly crooked, but that made it even more adorable. He bit his lip still with a smile, put his hands in his pockets and looked at the ground. I read a buzzfeed article saying that means a guys flirting with you. Was Dan flirting with me?

"So where's Phil?" I asked trying to change the topic. "Phil's sick so he stayed home leaving me to be all awkward by myself" He answered. "Same!" I replied a bit to eagerly making me mentally face palm. "Maybe if we hang out together, we won't look like loners!" He suggested "Sounds like a plan" We clinked our classes of champagne together and drank. We continued to do this whole night. Maybe we should of calmed down on the alcohol.

"Come on Dan" I said pushing Dan into the taxi, we agreed to split a cab together. I managed to get Dan in after heaving him in by myself. Dan put his head on my lap and looked up at me. God he was so cute. he grabbed my hair and started playing with it. Dan was 10 times more drunk than me and here I was trying to look after him.

"Dan where do you live? You need to go home" I told Dan who was so invested with playing with my hair. "Your hair is so soft and it smells good" He slurred making me smile sheepishly. "Thats nice but where do you live Daniel" "I live in the-" And he fell asleep on my lap. I just gave up and gave the driver my address, I'm sure Dan won't mind crashing at my place for the night.

"Dan wake up, we're here" I whispered trying to wake him up. Dan snorted and opened his eyes which was a mixture of cute and funny. I leaned him up and attempted to get him out of the taxi. I paid the guy and he drove off fast splashing me and Dan with the water on the street. "Shit" I moaned, "this was a new dress" "I'm so wet" Dan complained," Thats what she said" Dan burst out laughing at his own joke, I guess he was a funny drunk then.

I lead Dan into my apartment and guided him to the couch because the guest room was being painted. "Do you want some clothe-" Before I could finish my sentence Dan had already stripped down to his boxers, "never mind then" He collapsed on the couch and I gently put a blanket on top of him. I turned off the light and closed the door.

I walked to my room still fangirling that Danisnotonfire was in my house. I had always loved his videos and got overly excited when I saw a new one in my subscription box. We had never really talked in person before, we've only ever tweeted each other and seen each other in gatherings. I was too tired to even think about getting ready for bed, so I kicked off my heels and collapsed onto my bed. I probably wouldn't even remember tonight.

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