Part 3

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Rebeccas POV:

'BEEP BEEP BEEEEEP' My alarm buzzed rudely awakening me. I had a horrible pain in my head and it felt like it was being hit with a baseball bat. I rolled out of my bed and kept all the lights off because they would hurt my eyes.

I stumbled over to the bathroom and saw the disgusting state I was in, eyeliner was smudged all over my eyes, my hair was all knotted and messy, I still had my dress from last night on and I looked like something out of a horror movie. I got a makeup wipe and rubbed my eyes with it trying to get off all the leftover makeup. I grabbed a brush and attempted to get rid of all the knots, immediately scowling due to how painful it was, I even found some bobby pins stuck in my hair as I did this. I brushed my teeth as well just to get the horrible taste of alcohol and bad breath out.
I splashed some water on my face to try and wake me up, it didn't work it just resulted in me having a wet face. I took my dress off and threw on some sweatpants and a loose 5sos tshirt so I felt more comfortable. The state of my room was horrible, outfits everywhere, makeup scattered around my room and shoes were everywhere, it was not gonna be a pretty cleanup. Not now.

I staggered to the kitchen aiming to get some aspirin to help me with this bloody hangover. After tearing apart my kitchen, I eventually found some. I poured myself a glass of water, took three pills out and swallowed them following with water. It kinda helped my head a bit but all I needed was some rest and food. I poured some cereal and a glass of orange juice which looked so delicious, I headed to the lounge to go watch some anime and eat the food but I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw a man lying face down on my sofa.

My eyes where wide open with shock, who the hell was this and why was he on my sofa? I noticed he wasn't wearing anything under the blanket and all his shirt, jeans and blazer were on the floor. Suddenly the man started to wake up and I didn't know what to do so I looked around to see what I could do. The man started to get up and immediately groaned, he must be hungover like me. Did I bring this guy home last night. Did I do the thing with a guy I didn't even know. The man started to turn around and it became clear who this guy was. Dan Howell. What the fuck. Why was Dan Howell in my house. Did I have sex with Dan, I mean he had no clothes on. I barely knew Dan so why was he in my home. 

"Rebecca?" He questioned, "what the fuck happened?". I started to panic! At The Disco I had no idea how to respond to this, I didn't know either. "I have no idea, I just walked into my living room and you were here with no clothes on" I responded quietly. After I said this, Dan moved the blanket up more to hide his bare chest. My phone suddenly beeped so I looked at the text message. ' Thanks to everyone who came to my party last night, I had a blast!' It was from Zoe to a group chat full of everyone who attended her party. So that explained why I was in such a state but why was Dan here?

I noticed that Caspar Lee had tweeted me and Dan, maybe this would explain what happened. 'Cheers @Danisnotonfire @RebeccaJones' There was a photo attached with me and Dan smiling and looking at each other as we were clinking our cocktails together with Caspar smiling in the corner of the frame. Suddenly all the memories of last night came flooding back, Dan and I met for the first time and we decided to hang out with each other, we got really drunk and he wouldn't tell me where he lived so I let him crash at mine. I REMEMBERED NOW!

I explained to Dan what happened and showed him the photo so he would actually believe me and not think i'm a crazy stalker who kidnapped him. Fortunately he understood and even laughed about it.

Dan's POV:

My head was pounding like crazy, I love hangovers!!!1!  "Hey, Rebecca do you have any aspirin I could take, this is a horrible hangover" I asked her. "Of course, do you want any cereal or anything, I know food helps with my hangovers" I nodded nervously hoping she wouldn't think of me as a pig.

She came back 10 minutes later with some aspirin, water and some scrambled eggs and toast which looked delicious. I thanked her for the food and took the aspirin which helped my head not feel as bad as it was.

"Um Dan do you want some clothes or something" She asked awkwardly, I quickly looked down at my body realising I was only wearing boxers. I hated my body so much and always tried to hide it, but drunk Dan loved to expose his flesh, when I was drunk I would lose control of my inhibitions. I rapidly threw the blanket over me trying to hide my bare chest, "Yes please." She came back with some tracksuit bottoms and a t-shirt. I noticed the bottoms where a lot bigger than her, they sort of had the shape of a men's one and Rebecca was way to small to fit into that. I didn't mention anything to her because we had only just met and it would make the situation more awkward.

"Do you wanna watch anything on the tv?" She asked. "I really don't mind" I told her causing her to smile. She put on Tokyo Ghoul which I had never watched before, "I've never actually seen this before" I told Rebecca. "How have you never watched Tokyo Ghoul It's amazing. I'll put on the first episode" She quickly turned on the first one and I was mesmerized by it. Why didn't I watch this sooner.

"pretty good huh?" she smirked, "That was awesome!" I squeaked, "I know what i'm gonna be doing tonight" That caused her to giggle making her seem even cuter than before if it was even possible.

After countless episodes of Tokyo Ghoul, I found myself sat next to Rebecca, her head in the crook of my neck and my head on top of hers. This felt so natural, usually I hated people touching my neck but with Rebecca it was like I was immune to that feeling. "Phil!" I yelled making her jumping off me, "Shit! He must be so worried right now" I realised. "Oh yeah, completely forgot about him" she acknowledged. "It was so nice to meet you Rebecca" I told her as I went in for a hug. "Ditto" she responded accepting the hug.
I wrapped my arms around her thin torso and bought her closer to me. She put her arms around the top of my back awkwardly making me chuckle at the thought of her doing that. After an appropriate amount of time we both pulled apart at the same time and started to look into each other's eyes. "See you around then" I said awkwardly "bye Dan, I'll walk you to the door" she lead me to the door and opened it for me, I stepped out and waved to her.

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