My Bygone Days

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The car ride home from the hospital is going pretty good so far.

Its dead silent.

Being near Mallory is honestly creeping me out. And let me tell you why:

She died. In my dream. One hell of a dream I'll tell you. I grew to love the people in my dream. And learned how to deal with the loss.

I loved Darin. And Eleanor. My God I can't get use to Billy (Crystals new son) I want Eleanor. The one that I love.

I spent several hours crying in the hospital bathroom while Crystal sat with me.

Apparently Sonny came to the hospital everyday for me. So did Mallory.

I'm sure me and Mallory will never look at each other the same.

I saw her die.

Crystal is driving me and Sonny home because he wanted to stay with me. In the back.

I felt uncomfortable. I felt betrayed by someone, I don't know who....I feel out of place, I feel like me and Sonny should be living in our apartment.

Well, my dream ended when Sonny was getting arrested for killing Crystal. the end....I killed Crystal. But why?

Thinking about it made me want to throw up. But I wasn't going to throw up because I couldn't breath.

What do you call these again?.....panic attacks? Well im having one.

Before I can say anything I felt something shoot down my throat so I can breath again.

I looked at Sonny who had an inhaler in his hands. "You need it.....the doctor gave it to me... "

I nodded. "So Darin....and Eleanor....aren't real..." I told myself.

"Hmm?" Sonny asked, I probably said it a little loud.

I couldn't help it. I felt tears rolling down my cheeks. All I could do is give in and hug Sonny.

It only lasted a bit because the car stopped. I looked up and we were here.

Our old house.

Me and Sonny got out of the car. So did Mallory and Crystal. We all went in the house.

My God.....Nothing has changed.

Sonny looked at Mallory and Crystal and nodded. They both left the living room.

Sonny sat me down. "Uh....What...," I managed to say.

"So, I Confirmed it with Mallorys mother, you guys and Crystal are in fact all sisters."


And...I'm your brother. But not blood..."

"I know Sonny.. "

"So, I am not related to Crystal. And Mallory."


Sonny Turned away from me, "God this is so wrong " he said.


"Me and Crystal...are together."


"Crystal and Mallory's mother has...or had cancer....and lost her fight. So they moved in."

"W-What?!" Is all I could say, really.

"The basement was to harsh for all of us, Obviously. So now we have a finished basement. Its all nice now, its also you and Mallory's room. We added doors and everything. So Yea, and our room is now the master bedroom. And father's boarded up..."

"Uh....uhm... "

"Ellie I am so sorry. This must be so hard. The fact that a lot has changed....and that is dating your.... well, nevermind. Im really sorry Ellie. "

What do I do? What do I say? One minute at home and I want to run away.


" just..."

"Sonny...Uh....its okay..."

I got up and left him. I went outside and up on the roof.

Boy, does this remind me of my bygone days.

I bursted into tears. I miss Eleanor. And Darin. Even Chrissy and Marshall for Christ sake! And Sirah.... I miss Sirah so much.

And is Jack even alive?

The pain gets worse. Its not stopping. I never have wanted to die or run so badly.

This is killing me.

I started to cry louder. Not because of Crystal and Sonny. I want this to stop. Maybe I all dreaming. This is a HUGE dream and I actually have a normal life.


I heard someone as I quickly turned around. Its Mallory.

She sat next to me. "Are you okay?"

"No! Everything is Confusing me!"

She nodded. "So what happened in your dream?"

I shook me head, "too much." I replied.

We both sat there in silence after that. Only my sobbing disturbing it.

"Dammit Ellie! Stop crying your going to make me cry."

"I'd love it if you were in my shoes Mallory so stop" I blurted out. Its like I have no control over my words.

Mallory Shut up after that. She just hugged me. "Ellie please stop crying. Just tell me what you dreamt about"

My crying died down a Little.



.-. I might have gotten a bit sad writing this.


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