Say Goodnight, So I Can Say Goodbye

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Pete came out of the house with his cell phone up to his ear.

I shook Sonny who wouldn't wake up.

"Sonny answer me!"

His eyes slowly opened as my body relaxed of relief.

"Sonny don't Fucking leave me okay?"

I heard footsteps and someone yanked me by my hair and pushed me to the ground.

Father is back.

"Let go of me right Fucking now! Pete help me!"

Pete threw his phone and ran towards up and punched father and started beating him.

I crawled back to Sonny and just looked at him. He wasn't moving. He's dead. I know it.

I feel sick to my stomach.

Before I could do anything someone pulled me up. It was Pete.

"Ellie. Get a hold of yourself and get inside until the cops come."

"But Sonny...."

"Sonny is dead."


"Yes. He is. Get inside."

"No! He's not dead I will not admit to it."

"Fine! Then go inside!"


Then the cop cars all surrounded the house.

They call came out with guns and we both put our hands up.

They all crowded around father.


They gave me and Pete blankets as we sat on the porch. They put Sonny on a stretcher and put him in the ambulance.

Pete sent his kids to there grandmother's .

I looked at Pete and sighed. "I'm sorry"

Pete shook is head, "Don't be"

"Pete this whole thing probably traumatized you didn't it."

"No. Not really. I'm a grown man Ellie. It's okay."

I'm never going to forgive myself for this. I'm never going to forgive myself for all of this.

I felt so worn out. I spent a lot of this time crying over Sonny. I have nothing left.

I mean...Sonny is my best friend. I've known him for all my life. I can't believe I lost him. I'm still in shock.

What do I do after this? I have no brother. No mother. No father. So sister. What do I have?

I leaned my head on Petes shoulder and started crying again.

"Hey. Kiddo. Calm down ,take deep breathes"

"If you die I die" I whispered.

"Huh? If you die I die?"

"Yea. Me and Sonny had that saying for a long time."

I was about to say something but then I heard something. One of the medics said

"I got a pulse!"


You guys really thought I was gonna kill him off? FUCK NO.


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