The End.

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My eyes widened. I jumped up and ran to the stretcher. "Sonny?!"

"Ma'am he can't hear you, and he isn't waking up any time soon"

"Shut the fuck up he's my brother"

Pete ran to my side. "Get in the car Ellie I'm following the ambulance." I nodded and went in the car.


I've been waiting for six fucking hours with Pete. "Ellie?" I stood up and looked at the nurse, "you can come in"

I ran into his room as Pete followed. I stopped at the door and slowly walked in. I looked at Sonny who looked terrible.

I tapped on his shoulder. "Ellie that's not going to wake him up..."

Sonny slowly opened his eyes as I smirked at Pete. "Okay I was wrong then."

I wanted to hug Sonny so bad but he's probably in a lot of pain.


"Sonny!" I screamed.

"I'm not dead..."

I shook my head, "nope, you're alive". Sonny smiled a little bit, "where's Father..."

"Arrested, he's gone."

"Really?", I nodded. "So what now?"

I shrugged, "I don't know, I'm just a kid" I smiled. I heard a bunch of screaming in the background, I popped my head out and saw Sydney.

"Hey Syd, where's Sam?"

I looked on the stretcher and saw Darin. Dead. All the sudden I felt really light headed, before I knew it I collapsed onto the floor.


I woke up on a hospital bed, Pete looked at me, "Ellie you fainted are you okay?"

"That's my boyfriend" I screamed.

"That poor boy is your boyfriend? I'm so sorry"

"I want to see him!"

"He's dead Ellie"

Defeated, I started to cry. "Come on Ellie don't cry"

"He's my fucking boyfriend I can I not cry"


"Why...why the fuck is this happening to me?"

Pete looked down and said nothing. I got up as a nurse came in. "Miss please sit down."

"No fuck you I need to see my brother"

"Honey, sit down and take these"

I snatched the cup out of her hand and took the pills. "No water miss?"

"I don't fucking give a shit"

"Okay miss but please stay in your room until further notice"

She left the room. I ran out of the room but smashed into someone. "Ellie?"


"You fucking ditched us Ellie, at the hospital, I bet you don't even know where Sam and Eleanor are"


"Sams baby"

"Oh, I'm sorry, there were just some other stuff going on"

"Like what Ellie"

"Sonny was stabbed multiple times by father."

She wiped off the mad look on her face as it turned to sympathy, she was up in tears. "Is he dead?"

I shook my head. But she kept crying. "Syd...I just said he was fine why are you still crying?"

"Because my brother is dead Ellie, your boyfriend is dead."

I started tearing up as well, "how did he..."

"He killed himself. Blew his fucking brains out"

"Oh god...where's your parents?"

"In the room with him, don't let them see you, they think it's your fault."

That hurt. A lot.

"Here, do you want to see Sonny?"

She nodded, I snuck into Sonnys room, which was a few doors down to mine. We went in as Sonny looked at us, "Syd!"

"Hey Sonny!" Sonny smiled, can I have a moment with Ellie?

She nodded and left. I pulled up a chair next to him. "Remember we were in the house with father? When we lived there?"

I nodded.

"And that man was beating me up, about to kill me, and you killed him?" I nodded. "I never thanked you for that."

"Why are you thanking me now?"

"I don't know, I haven't thanked you for a lot of things actually"


"Thank you."

"Sonny, when you get out of here we are getting an apartment. We will live together and one day you will find someone beautiful and special. When I get old enough to live on my own, you will get married, you'll have children and I'll be an aunt. You will have an amazing life. And I'm promising that, from here on out, we are normal. This is all we've ever wanted, is to be like everyone else, normal. We are free and we are going to be side by side to kick some ass. We didn't loose the fight. We actually won. Now promise me. Just promise me that you'll be happy."

"Ellie I want you to be more then happy, I-"

"Sonny promise me"

"I promise"


I am so upset that this series has come to an end. No,there will not be book 5. This is the end. I've been working on the adopted series for about a year now. I want to thank everyone for reading the adopted series. I've grown to love all my characters. Sonny, Ellie, Sydney, Sam, Darin,Jack, Father, Essa, Mallory, Crystal. I'm going to miss this series so much, I enjoyed writing it, but all good things must come to an end. Thank you everyone.


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