Our Little Secret

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"And then.... I woke up." I said, finishing of what i told to Mallory about the dream.

She sighed, "so all in a nutshell, i died. Crystal died, Eleanor gets kidnapped, Sonny tried to commit suicide....Sirah gets cancer....and...Sonny gets arrested when you killed Crystal?"

I nodded slowly.

She sighed, "Uh....okay."

She thinks Im a freak. But who doesn't?

"So....how do you feel about Crystal and Sonny being together?" Mallory asked, trying to change the subject a bit.

"It makes me want to throw up. Its revolting." I said. Mallory cracked up, "I know right!"

I laughed a bit, "like, that's like me dating your adopted brother if you had one!" I said. Mallory laughed, "my God. It annoys me so much. Its just....wrong!"

I giggled, "If I were to Ever see them kiss. I think I would have to go back to the hospital." I said, at this point me Mallory were crying of laughter. "Holy crap, me too!" Mallory said.

"Ellie, Jesus Christ I miss you..." she said after all the laughter died down.

"Me too."

"I have...a question though." I said quietly, "is Jack....alive?"

Mallory sighed, "I....don't think so." She stated, "I could be wrong. Crystal knows, so does Sonny, they just choose not to tell me." She said, "in my opinion, I think he is alive."

"Did you get in trouble for...killing Essa?"

Mallory's eyes widened. "....I regret killing her. But no. It was self defense."

"But...I thought it would be easy for you, since you told me you...killed and all."

"Well Ellie, i did. I told you i killed people too, but I didn't really mean to put it that way...you know? Before all this, when I was twelve or so....crystals boyfriend that she only had for about a week, abused her. I guess I just had enough anger to hurt him so badly, it would kill him.....Uh, long story short, I kill the guy and since his father kept skipping his meds, he got the blame."

"You got lucky..."

She nodded, "I did."

"Does Crystal know?"

"hell no. Don't you Ever tell her. Like please....don't."

"Mallory you know me to well, I would never tell anybody. Its our little secret."

We stayed silent for a bit. "Uh, you want to see our room?" She asked, breaking the silence.


We jumped off the roof and went Inside. As much as I love Sonny, I want to avoid him at this moment.

But, since i just came back from the hospital he isn't going to leave me alone.

Mallory opened the door but then, Sonny grabbed my arm. "I need to talk to you."

He pulled me into our room, well, use to be our room. Now its his and Crystals. The names where painted over. But why wouldn't they?

But as I suspected, the white paint didn't cover the names to the point where you couldn't see them. I could still see them a bit.

"I have something to ask you..."


"Before you got....stabbed, or injured that is, did you hurt yourself?"

I stared blankly at him, "Huh?"

Sonny sighed, "like did you Ever cut yourself or burn yourself? Self inflicted stuff..."

I slowly shook my head, "I've thought about it a few times. Never did though."

But Wait, I thought about it in my dream. Not.... before I was stabbed.

Before I could say a word Sonny pulled me into a hug, "well, don't! Ever! Me and Crystal.... a few days ago found out Mallory did it. Cut herself. So please Ellie, I was so upset, I would be even more upset if we found out you did too"

This was all coming out of nowhere.

"Uh...cutting is bad, Yea...I got that Sonny thank you, I won't do it"

"But please, don't bring it up to Mallory okay? Our little secret okay?"

"Yea....our little secret."

yo add me on snapshat- CaitlinLucy01


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