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Sonny Left the room. Before I could even move he darted back into the room. "One more thing"


"You have to go to school"

My jaw dropped. I've never been to school before...

"Sc-school? "

"You guys go to Seelmore Highschool...both you and Mallory. Now Today is a Tuesday. I don't expect you to go tomorrow. I don't expect Mallory to either......your in 9th grade....remember, you've never been to school, your not going to start trouble right?"

Since when did Sonny turn into such a dad...?

"Your... acting weird...are you okay?" I asked slowly, not knowing how to word: "your being sort of a dad right now"

"How, Ellie?"

"....I don't know, your just different."

"Well, Ever since Billy was born....I just, i don't know...He's like a son to me. And your-"

"Not like a daughter to you. Your only 19."

"20....Ellie.... you, missed my birthday, just incase you didn't know....your 14"

"Right...." I didn't know I was 14, when I woke up I thought I was still 13. "And Mallory...?"

"She's also 14. Turning 15 in three weeks."

Before I could say anything else me and Sonny hears the front door open answer Shut. He walked towards it and laughed.

"Hi Sirah, your looking for Crystal?"

I gulped...."Sirah...?" I whispered to myself quietly.

I honestly didn't want to see if Sirah looked anything like the Sirah in my dream.

I thought I would but i just dont.

I shook my head and went down stairs and Sonny called for Crystal.

I probably took about three steps down the stairs until I gasped. The basement. That my father basically lived in. He killed in this basment. And now it's my bedroom?

Mallory looked up at me from the staircase, "I had a hard time getting use to it too." She said.

I nodded, "I bet..."

I walked down the stairs and looked around. I looked on the left side and saw a blank room with a bed. I looked on the right side and saw Mallory room, with decorative things.

The left side of the room is where father killed and made me sharpened knifes. Why do I have to be on the left side.....

I slowly walked towards the left side of the room. I imedetly felt in the wrong place.

"I can't sleep there. I can't sleep in here." I stated.

"Ellie, I get can sleep on my side."

"No. I mean like I can't even sleep in here. I don't want to be at this house."

Mallory slowly nodded. "I' sorry. That's all I can say."

I went back upstairs and walked in the living room and looked down to make sure I don't see what Sirah looks like.

I opened the front door and started to walk down the road and started to breathing way the tears.

I breathed heavily and tried to calm myself down. "Okay..." I said to myself, "Suicide, or living it through...." I would personally commit suicide if I wasn't such a baby about it. I would probably break and not do it. Or fail and deal with the stress of failing.

These thoughts were not helping.

I looked down and started to cry, before I knew it I slammed into someone because I wasn't looking.

"Crap, sorry dude that was my fault!" I heard a voice say, I got up and fixed my eyes up to her. "Uh, I wasn't looking I'm sorry ..." I studdered.

"No worries man, are you okay?"


Once we actually started to look at each other the girl gasped. "Holy crap! Your Ellie! My mom is a news reporter....she did a story on you!"

"Great..." I muddered. "Y-your, your not asleep in the hospital anymore!"

"Mhmm." I said,

"Hi, im Sydney! I obviously know your name"

I gave a smile, "Hi Sydney. Nice to meet you.."

Not really. Don't want to talk to anyone. Especially when news reporters are going to be all in my face tomorrow because obviously this isn't going to go unsaid by her.

"Uh, why are you like, alone? It's starting to rain to Dude you should come to my place."


"Uh, im going to go back to my place, was nice meeting you" I said.

"Hey, is it true that Sonny and Crystal are together?" I stopped walking and turned around to face her.

"Because, if that's so....I get what your going through."

"You have no idea what I'm going through" I said, "I don't even know you and we're going to start with this emotional crap? If it makes you feel better. I'm fine"

".....My mom is cheating with my dad behind my step dads back."

"I'm sorry, but that's nothing like what I'm going through."

"Well, yea I know, but other people go through tough times as well"

I stood there as it started to pour. I was drenched, but I was only about eight houses down from my own.

"Well, anyways," Sydney yelled, "see you around?"

"Yea. See you around."



Bygone (Part Four To Adopted)Where stories live. Discover now