One Sister

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Mallory's POV

I couldn't open my eyes but I heard everything going on. Why am I still alive.

I could tell im in the hospital. I can hear Ellie using her inhaler like crazy.

Poor thing. I let her down. I let....Crystal down.

I wanted to cry but instead I let out a sigh. Which I guess Ellie heard,

"Sonny! I heard her sigh!"

"That's great El...."

There's a part of me that wants to wake up, but even if I could....I don't think I would because, I tried to commit suicide for a reason....


Ellie's POV

Its been a week. I would say things have been looking up if Mallory where here. Me and Darin apparently weren't drunk. We're in a relationship now.

But with good things comes bad things.

I need my inhaler. I always have but, I find myself having an asthma attack all the time. Sonny's getting worries by it.

Mallory is alive. In a coma. Not coming out until she wakes up. I was quick to kick out Sam, I haven't heard from her since.

Oh Yea, and I've developed depression.

Well, to an extent I've always been depressed but just not the same.

I was on the couch breathing heavily as Sonny was writing something.

I used my inhaler three times and tried to breath normally. Sonny sat up and sat next to me.

I sat up too, "your using that thing an awful lot lately...."

I nodded. "I'm... going to take a walk..." I whispered, Sonny nodded, "Don't be out longer then 15 minutes okay?"

I nodded and closed the door behind me. I put my head down hoping that Darin wouldn't notice me because he was sitting on the porch. But he did.

"Hey Ellie!" He yelled, I quickly waved. But I looked over and saw Sam on the porch with him. Sam approached me. "What." I said,

"Darins your boyfriend?" She asked, I nodded, "got a problem?"

She shook your head, "just get ready to be a step mom" I gave her a dirty look, "that's not funny."

"I'm not trying to be."

My body was full of rage. Darin is the father of Sam's baby. "Are you kidding me."

"Nope. Darin wanted me to get an abortion. I hate him, but his mother just got home and told me I can stay with them."

I Shut my eyes. And took a puff of my inhaler. "Well, thanks for telling me that....I guess."

Sam gave me an odd look and looked behind me. "E-Ellie...."

I Turned around and saw father approaching us. "Get in the house..." I whispered to her, as she ran in Sydney's house.

He walked straight up to me. "I'm not here for you at the time, Sam's in that house?" He asked, pointing to Sydney's house, I shook my head and walked away.

I felt him push me to the ground and felt blood trickle down my lip. "Don't lie to me."

I got up, and ran as fast as I could to home.

I opened the door and closed it and locked it. I reached for my inhaler. Crap.

I think I dropped it.

I sat down on the couch and tried to control my breathing, Sonny came rushing in, and tried looked for another inhaler, he shook his head and kneeled down infront of me.

He held my hand and just breathed through his nose and out his mouth like I'm suppose to do, but easier said then done.

I tried to and ended up choking.

I tried again, and again,

And again.

Until I got it and took heavy breaths. Sonny hugged me, "what happened Ellie?"

"Father... pushed me and...then...I ran...and Darin... S-Sam"

I was speaking nonsense. "Its okay Ellie just explain later...."

Tears rolled down my cheek, "holy crap Sonny. My boyfriend got your sister pregnant."

Sonny pulled out of the hug quickly. "What?! Y-Your... "

"No Sonny... not boyfriend got Sam pregnant."

"Sam's pregnant!?" I nodded, Sonny shook his head in disbelief, "that's crazy" he said quietly, and Ellie, She's not my sister....your my sister. My only sister. Okay?"

I nodded. "I only have one sister. And that's you.."

I nodded again as he hugged me.

And I've only got one brother....



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