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I gaped as Sonny's eyes widened.

"The baby has some lung damage. They aren't strong and they aren't fully developed. We don't know if the baby will make it due to early child birth. But if you guys can see Samantha In room 226."

I sat there in pure shock. She's okay. Sam is okay.

I got up and slowly walked towards room 226. I entered with Sonny right behind me.

She looked at us, her face was stained with tears, I don't blame her, she might lose her baby.

"Darin isn't with you?", She asked slowly.

I shook my head. Yeah....where is he?

I hugged her and looked at her in sympathy, "How do you feel?" I asked, she shrugged and sighed

"My head hurts a lot...but..that's it. I just hope baby Eleanor doesnt...pass."

I nodded, I was about to say something but I nearly screamed when the door burst open.

A bunch of doctors rushed in with a guy on stretcher. He was extremely bloody, he looked dead.

"I'm sorry Samantha but we need this room, can you walk..?"

She nodded as she leaned on me for support. I didn't even realize Sonny ran out of the room.

We walked out of the room slowly as I sat her down and stood up and cleared my head of all my bad thoughts.

I'm okay. She's okay.

Sam tapped me on the shoulder as I looked down, "i...forgot my phone, can you get it for me?"

I nodded and went into the room and got her phone and looked at the bloody boy.

There was a few doctors doing tests or....whatever doctors do...

They all walked out looking dull. "I don't think he's going to make it doctor." I heard one say, they didn't even say anything to me.

I froze for a few seconds.

I took a quick glance at the boy who had most of the blood cleaned of his face.

I shuffled towards the boy but stopped. I don't even know this kid. But I want to know...

"You know him?"

I jumped and turned around, it was Darin.


"Good. Me neither. Come on, you don't need to see that"

I didn't move though. I don't know why but I felt as if it was someone I did know, or someone I've seen.

I guess Sonny heard Darins voice because he came in and pushed Darin out of the way.

"Get out I want to talk to Ellie" Sonny said, Darin rolled his eyes and didn't move.

Sonny was about to say something but then looked at the boy. "Uh...Ellie...did you know this kid?"

"Sonny. Look at him. Just take a good look at him and tell me what you think happened."

He shrugged, "not to be a creep or anything but it kind of looks like...father did it.."

That's why I kept looking at him.

"You think he's killing again? Like....random people."

He shrugged. "I don't know, you shouldn't be seeing this though. Let's go...I need to talk to you about something."

He grasped both of my shoulders. And led me outside. "Where are you talking her?" I heard Darin ask,

"How about you shut up", Sonny replied.

I walked outside and sighed. "Ellie. Before we talk about my 'drug use' I need to talk about you getting skinner."

I crossed my arms and stayed silent.

"Ellie. I haven't seen you eat ever since you woke up."

I know what he is talking about. He is right. Of course I eat. Just very little. I need to get over it though, because the reason I started not eating is because my mother poisoned my dream.


I snapped out of my train of thought, "W-what? Of course I'm eating're just....assuming."

"No I'm not."

I glared at him as his eyes widened. "Ellie. Just trying to help here."

"Help? It would of helped if you never did drugs."

He looked down and sighed. "Look, I'm sorry."

He went to touch me but again, I refused. I walked off in the distance but for some reason Sonny wasn't going to let this one slide.

"Ellie. Listen, hear me out okay? I love you. I've never felt this way about anyone besides you. Not even Sam. So just....listen. I've been into drugs since I was 16 Ellie. I've been doing this stuff for 4 years Ellie. And you've never noticed thank God. Until now.....and im sorry you had to find out this way. I was going to stop but I couldn't. Everyone has an addiction Ellie. Mine is drugs, Mallory's was....self harm, Crystal's was pulling out her hair, and yours isn't eating! I knew why Crystal pulled out her hair, I knew why Mallory did that to herself and I know why I did drugs, but I dont know why you starve yourself. I know this is a very sensitive topic but just because I can't trust myself, doesn't mean I can't trust you. And...I'm gone without you. I'm dead. I'm alone. When you're gone...I'm not me anymore. I'm not the same person. And for me to make you feel that why, that same way you did when you where in a was wrong. And the word 'sorry' is overused so much, it doesn't even mean anything to me. I don't know what to say to convince you that I need you. Other then the three words I say every God damn day in my prayers for you: I need her. And it's true. I need you, and the thought of that I scare you by just touching you makes me sick to my stomach. This living hell that we are living in? It's not of your fault. It's nobody's fault but fathers. Please. Just....speak to me. It could be anything, hell, it could be a death threat for all I care, just...I want you to be comfortable around me like you use to."

I stood there and didn't say a word.

"My addiction is not starving myself. My addiction, is thinking to myself every day, 'what if I just ended it all'. Without me, there would be nothing. You would be fine. Mallory wouldn't be dead. Crystal would still be okay with Billie. Everything and everyone, would be okay. But now, because of me, everyone I know and love either has something wrong with them, or died. And I dont want you dead Sonny. I just, don't. I wouldn't be able to live without you. I feel like now is a good time to practice"

"What Are you saying...?" He stepped towards me as I stepped away,

"I think maybe I should go somewhere else, I just want to stay alone for a while."


Okay. I'll get yelled at if I don't bring this up. Don't cut. Don't starve yourself. Don't rip out your hair. Don't hurt yourself of others. Don't do drugs. All of these things are terrible. I know a lot about this. Trust me I just...know. Ever need to talk? It's not that hard just private message me. I know this is a pretty sensitive chapter and I'm sorry. I don't know why but apperently I'm a few people's role model. Don't look up to me please, that's a huge mistake doing so. Okay then, glad I talked about this,


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