Revenge For Sonny.

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I sat on my bed thinking about what I'm about to do. Darin tried to stop me but I didn't back down.

This needs to be done.

I asked Sonny to drive me to Oakleepalm and surprisingly.... he said okay.

I guess he does love Sam. I got up and looked to see if the gun we have is still there. It was.

I took it. I don't really know how to use it so I'll just give it to Sonny.

I ran upstairs to see if we're ready. Sonny looked at the gun in my hand as his eyes widened. "Oh crap Ellie don't touch that"

He took it out of my hand. I raised my eyebrow, "you've already been through enough I don't need you accidentally shooting yourself, or me."

I laughed a little, "so...are we planning to...take Sam and go or...kill father...and take Sam...?"

"Uh.... I don't know" Sonny said, looking down.

I heard a knock at the door, "I'll get it."

Sonnys POV

I went to the door and opened it. God Dammit, its Darin. "What." I said,

"Uh... Darin and.. I'm looking for Ellie?"

"Who is it...?" I heard Ellie ask, I Shut the door behind me and Darin.

"So your dating my sister Huh?"

Darin looked down. "Uh... I guess..Yea."

"You guess...?"

"Yea Dude. Im her boyfriend. I think I know where this conversation is going so im Just going to say What's on my mind. I love Ellie to death....she is amazing. She is brave, loving, beautiful, and so on. So please, its important. I need to talk to her."

"I don't like you. I feel as if your going to hurt Ellie."

"Hurt her?! Why would I do that?"

"I don't know if you know...but didn't you date Sam? Which is my other biological sister? I don't talk to her as much. But she's pregnant. And I think you impregnated her."

"Oh...well good for you."

"You got her pregnant didn't you? What the actual hell aren't you guys like fifteen?"

He nodded slowly. "My business is none of yours."

"What?! Darin, my baby sister is going to be a step mother? What the hell?!"

"Baby sister...? She's 14 Sonny."

I felt like slapping that kid. "Anyways... this is important. Ellie is going to Oakleepalm and I'm going with her.

"Ha. Your not going with us."


"Yes, 'us', I'm going with her."

"Dude. She'll die. What kind of brother are you?! If you let her do this I'm calling the cops."

"Do it. I dare you."

He raised his eyebrow as I went inside and slammed the door. "Sonny. What the hell. Was that Syd? Or Darin?" Ellie questioned.

"It was Darin. I told him you weren't here. I hate that boy"

She rolled her eyes.

"So, are we ready?"


Ellie's POV

We've been in the car for about 30 minutes. Silence. Pure silence.

I guess Sonny relized what we're doing and has grown silent.

I sat there with a knife in my hand. But then again, Oakleepalm Dr. Is in a road. We have to search for the town.

Sonny finally pulled up at a house. He got out and knocked on a door of a random house. What is he doing?

A girl, about my age, opened the door. Sonny smiled and started talking to her. The girl pointed at a direction. Sonny smiled and walked away.

How motioned me to get out of the car. I did, as Sonny pointed at a house. "Oakleepalm Drive is that way, about five minutes away by walking....I don't want to drive, just incase father knows what my car looked like."

I nodded and started to walk. Then I started to have second thoughts. We should just call the cops....

I stopped Sonny. "Sonny....this is wrong. We the cops"

"What? If we call the cops they won't kill father."

" ...they might..."

"No. They wont. Plus... I want revenge. Don't you...?"

I stood there for a second. I didn't move.

I just realized we were at the front of the house because father's car was there. I started to think about things. Instead of killing ourselfs.... we could call the cops.

But they might not Get here in time.

I felt my body literally starting to give out on me. It felt as if the world was completely ending while I wasted a minute standing there.

Sonny stared at me the whole time. "Okay. Fine. Let's do it." I said weakly.

Sonny grinned and banged on the door. Surprisingly, Sam opened the door.

She had a black eye, a scratch on her face, and her hair was shorter then before.

"S-sam..." I said quietly.

"Ellie...Jesus Christ get me away from here."

"Where's father?"

"Sleeping. Ellie please..."

I pulled her out of the house and looked over to Sonny, "Let's go, we got Sam... " I said,

"No." Sonny replied,

"What do you mean, 'no'?"

"I'm going to kill father."



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