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I quickly Turned around, so did Sonny, he pushed me behind him as father dropped his knife he was holding. "I just want to talk"

"Get away or I swear to God... " Sonny whispered, "I came here to talk to Abby."

Anger literally started to build up inside of me.


The name that screams horror. The name that rings in my ears when Ever I hear it.

"I am not Abby!" I Screamed on the top of my lungs. "My name is Elizabeth Avah Baker, Not Abby!"

Sonny glanced at me. I looked down a little and sighed. "Don't call me that."

Father tilted his head a little. "Sounds like someone doesnt like the sound of past memories."

He's right. The name Abby releases so much fear and anger. Memories of how me and Mallory found out we were sisters. Even though Elizabeth, or Ellie, was the name father gave me....Abby seems to taunt me.

I stepped back and hid behind Sonny, probably as he wanted me to.

I found a small pocket knife in his back pocket. It was sticking out a little bit. Before I could reach out to grab the knife, Sonny grabbed a gun from the shelf he was next to, a gun?

Wait....a gun?!

Sonny has a gun? ....what?

Father pulled out a gun too. I kind of just backed off into the corner of Mallorys room, thinking of what to do.

The basment door suddenly opened, but since I was hiding i couldnt see who it was. "Your still living?" Sonny said in disbelief.

I felt really uncomfortable but stayed put.

"Yep." I heard a strange voice say.

"Where's Ellie?" I heard the voice say again.

It was silent. I was in the corner with a shelf covering me. "Okay. Well then Where's Mallory?" The female voice questioned again.

Then I realized. I know who that voice is. Its Essa.

I saw Mallory's phone on the shelf I was next too. I quickly dialed 911.

"911 what is your emergency "

"There are killers in my house" I whispered. I quickly hung up not noticing that Sonny, Essa, and father were holding a conversation.

"So why would you kill Crystal?" Sonny's questioned,

"You mean why did Essa kill Crystal?"

I looked at father who was looking straight at me. He raised an eyebrow and looked back at Sonny.

"This is the police!" I heard a man say. I heard footsteps going up the stairs as Sonny put the gun back on the shelf.

"Watch out for Sam Ellie!" I heard father scream.

Sonny ran upstairs and opened the door.


So it as been four hours. No father. No Essa. They went on the roof and escaped.

The police interviewed me, as I was still behind the shelf. For some reason my mind was telling me not to come out.

The police told Sonny I was traumatized. Sure....

Maybe a little. But I've been through so much more then that. I stabbed my own father. I've been in a coma and dreamed a normal life for two months. My father is a killer. I found my dead sister, and my other sister and best friend is in a coma, and I found out that she was using drugs. And her suicide was a lie. My nephew was taken away from me, I don't know where he is. And im depressed.

But clearly, I am traumatized by the little things. But my body is telling me to stay put. To not move....

I began to cry. The police just left. Sonny was sitting on Mallorys bed. He looked over at me and kneeled down. He removed the shelf as I tensed up.

He sat next to me and put the shelf back in place. "You can't hide here forever."

I was silent.

My eyes were very red from crying. And makeup all over my face.

I am very tired. Had a bit of a rough day. "Come on" Sonny said slowly, he took my hands and pulled me up,

"Go to sleep"

I walked over to my bed and sighed. I layed down and thought to myself....what happened Today?


I opened my eyes and got straight out of bed. Oh my God it wasn't a dream.

I changed my clothes and went upstairs.


I went outside and went to Darins house. I knocked on the door, and to my surprise, Sydney answered. "Hey Ellie...I saw cop cars at your house yesterday....are you okay?"

It started to rain,

"N-no" I studdered as Sydney pulled me into a hug, "I can't let you in Ellie... my parents...don't want you in our house."

"Oh, but they have Sam stay and yours?"

"Father isn't after Sam." She yelled over the rain,

That had me thinking. Holy crap. Watch out for Sam.

"but Darin wouldn't mind being in the pouring rain to talk to you"

I smiled a little, "Darin!" She yelled,

He quickly came down and went outside with me. "Hey."

"Darin. I think Sam's in danger."

"Danger? Why...?"

"When my father said 'watch out for Sam' he didn't mean to be afraid of her and look out for her, he after Sam, to like check on her!" I screamed,

Darins eyes scanned me and went inside and pulled me in.  "Sam!" He screamed, "Sam!"

Nothing. He ran upstairs and checked her room. "Crap.. " he muddered.

I ran upstairs and checked her room, Nothing but a bed, a lamp, and a notebook. "What's that notebook...?" I asked,

"Her diary..."

I grabbed it and scanned through it to find an address.

'This is the address I keep seeing. Father isn't done with me yet. I betrayed him. I found this address five times. Three times her wrote it on a piece of paper, and two times...he wrote it on my wall....'

I looked at the address.

9 OakleePalm Dr.

I raised my eyebrow, that's nowhere near here. It doesn't even say what town. Just OakleePlam Drive.

Im going over there to get Sam. And her baby...


So the winner of the contest isssss:


She did a really good job. It was Sam's POV and it was reaaaalllly good. I wish I could show you but I can't copy and paste on wattpad

Anyhoo, next chapter will be up soon



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