"How Do You Feel About Sonny Lying To You?"

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I stood in the rain for a moment and just as I couldn't see Sydney I started to walk farther away from my house.

It wasn't long until Sonny got in his car and found me. I rolled my eyes as he pulled up. "Ellie, get in."

I shook my head.

"Ellie, come on. Please."

I ignored him.

He pulled his car over and got out of the car and ran besides me. He wrapped his arm around me and put my Hood on my head as he did the same with his.

I looked down at my sleeves of my sweatshirt and found the color to be quite beautiful. Back when drama didn't really exist between me and father. When I didn't hate him all to much, he would by me the most unique colored sweatshirts. It could never be blue, or red. It had to be a special color.

I didn't question him, but out of the ten he got me, this one always seemed to be my favorite. Plus, the rest were thrown away when I got home. It was a soft color, mostly white with a hint of light blue. But whenever I would get upset about who he killed, or how he killed them, as odd as it sounds I would just look at the color. Or wear the sweatshirt.

Im surprised I feel comfortable wearing it.

"Father gave that one to you." Sonny said quietly.

I could barley hear him over the rain. "Yep."

"Heh, it could never be normal colors couldn't it?" I laughed a little, "Yep"

"Why me...why us...?" I said after a long moment of silence.

I felt Sonny shrug since his arm was around me. "I don't know."

"I mean. Our life sucks."

"I know....not much I could add to it."

"Sonny, Just let me run away okay? Just let me go somewhere else. I bet you where just fine when I was out for a month..."

"I was depressed and suicidal for that month."

It was silent.

"I dont want you to go..." Sonny added.

I was still silent.

"Says the one who tried to commit suicide twice.." I muddered,

"Once..." he said, Oh Yea, he tried to overdose in my dream.

"Once, Yea sorry."

I started to pick up the pace in my steps and was free from his arms. "Ellie, just come home."

"Just leave me alone Sonny. I'm not worth it."

I closed my eyes and kept walking. "Ellie Wait!"

God dammit.


"If... if you die, I die, remember?"

"That's totally different. Im not dying and neither are you, I don't even know why you would bring that up."

"Because, it doesn't just symbolize death, it symbolizes that we go through everything together. So if your running away, then I am too."

I remember when Sonny tried to commit suicide.

"Sorry Ellie. I love you, I really do....but I can't live like this anymore. I hate it here."

"But if you die.....I die."

Sonny turned away. He knew exactly what I was talking about.

"Remember Sonny? When I was ten and you were sixteen, I was scared and you hugged me and said if you die....I die. And I said the same....remember Sonny? "

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