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Father's grip loosened his grip on me and the knife and sighed. "What's wrong with you? I said defeat." I said.

He put the knife close to my neck, "okay"

I closed my eyes but the truth is I do want to die. I'm sick of making other people die.

I heard father drop to the ground. That split second I thought I was done for. But no, Sonny had to do something.

I turned around and saw Sonny in shock. He had some sort of huge branch he found on the ground.

"You where going to let him kill you?!"

I looked down slowly, "I'm just tired of hurting everyone I know"

Sonny was about to say something but he realized I was crying, "Ellie.... just go home I'll be there in a second."

I did as he told, he knocked father unconscious.... I don't know if He's going to call the cops or.... I don't know.

I slowly walked home, which was about three houses away. I didn't want to look back to see what Sonny was doing to father. So I just kept walking.

I reached my house and opened the door. Mallory was on the couch, just sitting there.

"Your suppose to be asleep." I stated,

"So are you" She shot back, I nodded and went downstairs. "I wouldn't do that if I where you."

I looked at her, "Huh?"

"I said I wouldn't go down there if I where you"

I shrugged and went down to find Sam. How great.

"Get your ass out of my house." I said slowly, "or I will kill you."

She shook her head, "I didn't come here to kill you, I came here to tell you something."

I rolled my eyes, "and what might that be? How your not bad anymore and how your a good Person now? Save it Sam, I'm not buying it."

"I'm pregnant"

I smirked, "sure, Sam. Sure."

"I'm telling you this so you don't slam me on the road like you did. And you don't attack me for things I didn't do"

" come in my house, in my room, and tell me your pregnant? So that means you can do whatever you want and I can't do anything at all because your pregnant?"

Sam closed her eyes and sighed, "I will not put my baby in danger. So no, I won't do anything to piss you off, because is I do you'll probably kill the baby will no feelings what so ever"

I slapped her right in the face, "that doesn't affect you baby now does it" I growled, "I do care about your baby. You however? I could care less"

Sam froze and kept on talking, " and Mallory use to be friends so....." She sighed. "You know what it's like living with father."

"Of course I do" I stated quietly.

"So he abuses me"


"I can't have him abuse me when I am pregnant."

"So you want to stay here?"

She nodded. I would say she doesn't have a permission but I understand. But I trust her. But I somewhat belive her.

"One day" I said quiety, "in here. Without me and Mallory, and I will lock the door."

She nodded, "o-okay....that's fine"

"And Sam..?"


"Why can't you just stay at Sydneys?"

She sighed, "well, I hate her brother Darin."


"Mallory Shut the basement door and lock it, with Sam in it. Or keep a really good eye on her I'm going out." I said, Mallory nodded as I went out.

I wonder where Sonny was. Im starting to worry.

I ran to Sydneys and knocked on her door. She answered, "hi Ellie, my mom's not home, she's coming home next week actually. It's kind of like, an odd time to be over haha"

I widened my eyes, "what time is it..."



"Well, come in! I'm going to go to bed but Darin is up so..."

I walked in and saw Darin sitting on the couch, "oh, hey Ellie"

I gave him a small wave and sat down next to him.

Beer. He was drinking a lot of it because I smelled it on him and I saw the bottles.

Ten full ones and two empty ones. I guess I stared at them for a while because he took one and gave it to me, "want one?"

I smirked, "so you tell me not to smoke but yet you drink?"

He proudly smiled, I did too and took a sip.


So I guess a "sip" turned into four bottles of alcohol.

I didn't feel drunk but I could tell Darin was.

We where outside looking at the stars. But we weren't talking.

My heart was racing because I guess I really liked this guy. But I didn't want anything to happen between us. I don't want him to get hurt.

6 In the morning. What an idiot I am.

I turned into a girl I never wanted to be. Who I don't want to be. And I need to change.

I stood up, so did Darin. We both stood in silence.

"So I have to go" I said quiety, he nodded, "yea, I know."

I looked down in an akward motion. But for some reason,

For some stupid, stupid, stupid, reason.

I looked back up and locked lips with Darin.

Thinking that I shouldn't. Because the last thing I need right now is a romance.

But I went along with it anyway. It seems like it lasted forever but in reality it was 5 seconds.

After that was said and done we both looked at each other and I walked away.

Ran. Actually, thinking,

I need to check if Sonny's okay. I ran all the way to my house.

The door was open. Oh God...

I ran in and found Mallory on the floor. But there wasn't blood everywhere. Just and bloody wrist.

"Suicide" I whispered to myself,

I calmly walked past her with my heart racing. I picked up a note.

Dear Ellie & Sonny,

Don't blame yourselfs, I'm with Crystal now. I love you both so much. Take care of Billy. And take care of yourselfs.
                                   Love Mallory.

I blankly looked at the note. I grabbed the phone and called 911.

And the worst part is, Sonny isn't even home yet.



Bygone (Part Four To Adopted)Where stories live. Discover now