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I quickly turned around, it was Sam.

I grabbed a kitchen knife and tried to cut her but she jumped backwards and swung at me again, I tried to run but she grabbed my hood.

I cut her hand as she screamed but didn't let go. I elbowed her in the face as she fell to the ground.

I turned around and pulled her up and slammed her against the wall.

"Who are you?" I growled,

" name is Sam....just don't hurt me okay?"

"Oh, you expect me to not hurt you when you tried to stab me?!"

She shook her head, "p-please just let me go, I didnt want to hurt you....father made me And-"

"Father?" I questioned, raising my voice,

"Yes....he would hurt me if I didn't kill you"

"If he wanted to kill me he would do it himself, and when I asked who you where I didn't mean your name. Now I'll ask again, who are you?"

"I-im father's daughter"

"Excuse me?"

"Biological" She added, I gave her a death stare. "....Sonny has a biological sister?"

She nodded.

I grabbed her by her hair and pushed her out, back outside on the porch.

"Be aware that im calling the cops on you. The only reason why I am letting you go is so you can return to father to let him know that you failed and to let him know this: I'm still fighting and he is Nothing but a speck of dust to me!" I screamed okay the top of my lungs.

I Shut the door and ran to Sonny's room. He was on the floor. Oh Yea, Crystal and Sonny broke up.

"Sonny, Sonny wake up!" I said,

He slowly opened his eyes and widened them as he saw blood on my hands from cutting Sam's hand.

I sighed, "I've got a lot of explaining to do..."

Sonny's POV

I quickly stood up and held Ellie's hand, "what happened?" I said, "S-Sam came in and attacked me, its her blood though not mine."

"You killed Sam?!" I said in disbelief,

"What? No! I hurt her but I....kind of let her go.."

I nodded my head, "No Ellie that's good! Its good you didn't kill her"

She nodded. "Yea, she said she's your biological sister and she lives with father anything to say about that?"

I gave a look, "Oh God."

She gave a look too, "so how long have you known about Sam...?"

"Well, father gave her away when we just got you. Don't know how he found her..."

"And you didn't care to tell me?!" I shrugged.

"So you two are....biologically Related..."

I nodded.

Ellie looked down and sighed, closed her eyes, trying to take it all in.

"Ellie....please don't cry...."

"Im not crying."

We both sort of stood there for a second. "Ellie...?"


"Do you still want to run away?"

She nodded, which broke my heart, "why...?"

"A lot of reasons. But your not one of them."

"Really? Because you ran away last time because I said those things...."

She looked down. "Ellie.... I'm sorry for everything okay? Just please. For the love of God don't call the cops. I'll call them."

Ellie stared at me blankly then nodded.

I took a good look at her and sighed. I know Ellie's face. And she is not happy. But why would she?

I sighed and hugged her, "Ellie, tell me what's wrong. " I said,

She gave in to the hug as I felt tears drop on my shoulder,

"I just wish I wasn't Adopted"

I didn't do a cliffhanger this time, Happy? XD


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