Hells Neighbors

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Ellie's POV

I blankly stared at Sonny, who literally collapsed on the ground in the middle of our "serious" conversation.

Knowing the old me, I would probably flip the hell out and scream for help. But I'm not that girl anymore. I'm the girl who doesn't care anymore, and probably never will. The girl who doesn't care about anyone's feelings, including her own. The girl who can't even keep anyone alive but herself, even when she tried to kill herself.

I'm not Ellie anymore. I'm someone else. Someone who would rather stand here and think to herself then get help for her brother.

I jumped a little bit and went back in the hospital. Darin flooded me with questions as soon as I got inside but one stood out from the rest, "Where's Sonny?".

"He passed out" I managed to say as Darin ran outside. He came back in and got some people I guess. I wasn't paying attention.

I Got up and walked out of the hospital again. I pulled out a cigarette and lit it.

I felt tears streaming down my face as my brain reminded me, "You're doing it. You're smoking again."

I sat down at the curb. I felt comfortable in my own sorrow until a man sat down right next to me. Really?

I Got a good look at him. "Brendon". I whispered to myself. I remember Brendon. From my dream, when Crystal was giving birth, he told me about how he was going to be a dad, the day Crystal died in my dream he walked away with his new born son.

"Excuse me miss?"

I snapped my head towards him, "Yeah...?"

"Do you mind if I have a cigarette?", I shook my head and pulled out a cigarette and lit it for him, "Ah, Life sucks huh kid?"

I didn't answer.

"Yeah, I thought so. You know, I saw you on the news with that father of yours. Never thought he was the killing type, he looked like a good man on TV. But aren't you like, 14?"

I said nothing.

"Yeah, I thought so. I'm not going to say anything, when I was your age I was doing all of the bad stuff. Drugs, cigarettes, alcohol, you name it. Why are you here anyways?"

"A baby."

"A baby? Why, who is the baby?"

"Her name is Eleanor and I don't know who she is to me, it's my friends baby and my so called 'boyfriend' is the dad."

"Ah, I see."

I started thinking about the conversation we just had. And I started thinking about what I'm going to say when Sonny wakes up.

I burned the cigarette and left. I don't know where I am going to be fair but away from the people I love.


I stopped at a gas station and searched for any money in my pocket. I only have 20 dollars.

I walked in the little shack they had and only got a water. That's all I really need.

"50 cents please."

I gave the girl a 20 as she was slowly getting me my change.

For some reason I was in a hurry. She gave me my change as I ran out of the store with my water.

I looked both ways as a crossed the street, of course in my life, something has to happen. A car literally smashed into me as I felt myself slam on the road.

I layed there for a few seconds. I felt okay, my water is fine. I am okay.

I got up and saw blood on my hands.

A man got out of the car with blond hair. Looked like a gang member, really.

"Oh my God miss I am so sorry, are you okay? Can you hear me?"

I nodded and got up. he helped me up as I grabbed my water bottle and stared at him. "Come on, you need to go to the hospital. "

I shook my head. "No Dude, I was just there. If you want to drive me somewhere....just....drive me home."


We stopped at my house as we both got out of the car. I stared at the man and raised my eyebrow, "why are you getting out...?"

"Well, you seem very young to be living alone. I need to inform your parents What happened..."

I shook my head, "no I live alone."

His eyes widened, "what? How old are you?"

"Uh. 14.."

I wasn't paying attention to What the man was saying because I found a note on my door.

I ripped it off. In bold letters it said:


What? I thought Sonny said he had the house payments under control...

The man looked at the letter. "Oh shit kid im sorry..."

I didn't say anything. I was just thinking of where to go, Sydneys parents hate me. That's the only place I could go.

"You want to stay with me?"

I flinched, "I don't even know you..."

"I know, it seems a bit creepy but I'm just trying to help, I live with my two kids and that's it. But, I'll give you my number, my name is Pete by the way"

He gave me his number on a piece of paper, "anywhere else I could drive you?"

"Yeah...a motel?"


So I know I said in the authors note how thus chapter was gonna be confusing and stuff but, that chapter was gonna be the last. I felt like its to early to end the story sooooooooooo Yeah. And guys, I feel like the story has changed.

When im sad, I write sad and depressing stuff, when im mad, i write violent stuff, when im happy, I write happy stuff, and so on.

And my fav youtuber got a wattpad!!!!!

Ill update more, I promise.


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