Bad News...?

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I was quick to stand up.

I didn't even bother to move the drugs. I just....stood up.

I walked out of Sonny's room and opened the front door. I walked to Sydney's house. I knocked, "Ellie you can come in my parents left", Darin said, while opening the door.

He stopped what he was saying "Oh...oh my God Ellie!! Your okay!!"

I nodded. " okay I guess. Can I come in please?"

Darin nodded and let me in. I literally went in and tried not to cry. I can't cry in front of Darin I don't feel comfortable doing that.

I would go straight to Sirah if I could. Or Sam. Or Mallory, Crystal. And Sonny.

But they're all gone. Mentally and physically.

I sat on the couch but then I realized, Sydney....

"Where's Syd?" I managed to choke out.

Darin pointed up as I ran upstairs and opened the door to her room, or at least I thought it was her room.

She was sitting on her bed and darted her head at me, " okay?"

I shook my head, "no. No I'm not." I said between tears, "Sonny does drugs"

She raised her eyebrows and nodded, "well.....crap. what kind?"

"Any kind...just...I can't believe it, why would he do this?"

"People get addicted. You and Sonny have been through hell. And still going through hell. I'm suprised you didn't get addicted with him..."

I stayed silent. "Come in Ellie....seriously. Ever since Sam I feel like you haven't been okay."

"What do you mean 'ever since since Sam....?"

"Like...since she...went back wih your dad and stuff. For all we know she could have given birth..."

"At 7 and a half months?"

She just shrugged. "It could happen..."

I didn't know what to say. It's true.

Crystal gave birth and seven months.

I stumbled back a bit. Holy crap she did give birth. I can't picture her not.

I just had a feeling right then and there. "Ellie....are you okay?"

"Um...Syd as crazy as it sounds I think she did give birth"

"What makes you say that?"

"I just have a gut feeling....I don't know...."

"Well, then let's go see."


"Let's go find Sam...even though Sam isn't at the old house you checked in we can still try"


"Ellie. You've done so much over the past months. Let's try."

"Okay. Let's try."

She got up and grabbed my hand as we ran out of the house.

I stopped my tracked halfway when I saw it. The black van.

I kind of wanted to see what he wanted. But wanted to run like hell.

Sydney didn't move at all. But kind of just shuffled behind me. He pulled up towards us and through Sam out of the car.

We both stumbled back as Sam leaned on us, "Take her. I don't want her." He screamed.

He drove away as Sam was hysterical. "A-are you okay?"

Sydney questioned slowly, it took a while for Sam to answer but then shook her head, "Call 911" She said softly has Sydney ran back to her house.

She's giving birth and she might die.

It's only 7 and a half months. Like Crystal in my dream....and she died.


They rushed her in the hospital as I was in tears, preparing for her death.

Sydney called her parents but they refused to come...she called Sonny too. He is on his way.

I don't want to see him. I'm scared of him.

I've been here for 3 hours.

Syd only called Sonny a few minutes ago...

I put my head in my hands as Sydney got up, "I need to take a breath of fresh air" She stated, as she walked out.

A few minutes went by and Sonny came in. He had a tear stained face and his eyes screamed sadness.

He sat next to me and imedetly started talking.

"I can explain....I screwed up Ellie I am so sorry. You don't know how much I care about you. I don't even remember what I said."

"You...called me a psycho and called me a bad sister."

Sonny whispered something that I didn't hear. When he went to touch me I literally jerked myself away from him in fear.

He was about to say something but the doctor came out.

"I'm afraid we have some bad news."



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