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Sonnys POV

I got in my car and started it. A boy. She's at a boys house. Who could that be.

I got a call From Syd. "Hello?"

"Sonny I know where Ellie is. 66 javven avenue"

Before I could say anything she hung up.

I started driving. Javven avenue isn't that far from where we live.


I pulled up to the most biggest house I've seen.

I got out of the car and froze. Father followed me.

I didn't know what to do. He got out of the car and smiled.

"Get the fuck away from me and Ellie "

"You're the one who lead me to her Sonny."

"Get the hell away right now"

"I am definitely not listening to you."

"I'll call the cops" i screamed.

"Sonny. You've done some illegal things that you would not want to get involved with"

He's right.

Ellies POV

Me and Pete heard screaming so we both ran outside.

"S-sonny...." I studdered. He looked at me and sighed in relief. "Ellie. Thank God"

Pete put his hand on my chest and pushed me behind him. "And who are you..."

"Im her brother. So stop hiding her from me."

I was about to say something but everything seemed to move in slow motion.

Father headed towards Sonny with a knife. I froze, not knowing what to say or do.

The moment the knife hit his chest i knew it was over. I just did.

I screamed. "Sonny!"

Father looked at what he did and ran in his car and drove away.

I ran as fast as i could towards him.

Blood trickled down his mouth as i caught him.

I fell to my knees. "No Sonny. Please dont leave" i begged.

"Pete call 911 please he is going to die!" I screamed.


"Y-yes Sonny...?"

"I love you...."

"Dont fucking say that youre getting help"

His eyes shifted to the floor.


No answer

"Sonny fucking answer"

No. Answer.

My world. My whole world is gone. He was my world. My brother...

My everything.



Bygone (Part Four To Adopted)Where stories live. Discover now