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I froze of the thought that father is going to kidnap me.

I was waiting for Sonny to jump in or notice of something before father or that person in the van would talk or get out.

The window rolled down. As I suspected, it was father. Trying to be brave, I decided not to run, or not to be the quiet girl I was around him.

"Its nice to see you Again" I said sarcasticly. Father raised his eyebrow, "excuse me?"

"I said, its nice to see you again, Can you hear me? Or have you gone deaf already.."

He chuckled, "well, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning." I rolled my eyes,

"Sure, you could put it like that."

I looked around the inside of the van and saw a gun. I raised my eyebrows as father looked down. "Oh, my gun...haha, funny story how I got it, but Ellie, I could use it you know."

"You know what? When I was young. I looked up to you. I'm not even going to bring up the time when you taut me how to use a knife."

He shook his head, "Ellie. You never looked up to me."

"Yes, Yes I did. You just didn't know it, until I realized. What you did, and what your just so wrong."

He sat there in the van, looking straight. He was about to say something until he stopped himself.

"Ellie. I'm doing what I came here to do. So do me a favor and be the good little girl you were until Sonny twisted with your mind. And get in the van."

I shook my head. "No."

"Excuse me?"

"I said, no. I'm not getting in the van."

I saw Sonny's car pull up behind the van. Father, without noticing his car, got out of the van and held on to my arm, and was about to drag me in the van until he saw the car and froze.

Sonny quickly got out of the car without hesitation and grabbed me by my sweatshirt and pulled me towards him. "You make me sick..." Sonny muddered as he put me in his car.

Father shook his head. "Watch out for Sam Ellie!" He screamed. "Watch out for Sam..."

I looked down. "Sam....." I said to myself....."Who's she..?"

Sonny shook his head, "a girl you do not want to meet. Let's just keep it at that."


"Ellie. Why would you run away."

"Why would you say those things to me....?" I said back, already starting to tear up.

"Well.....I don't know. I didn't mean any of it, Crystal screamed at me for five minutes straight on how I was a douche bag to you. I'm so sorry."

"That's what you said last time...."

Sonny looked at me in confusion, "Last time....."

I shook my head in remembrance forgetting that our last fight was in my dream.

"Nothing..." I barley whispered.

We pulled up in the driveway. I smacked my forehead, "What's wrong?" Sonny asked, "if I looked at the license plate, I would have been able to turn him into the police...."

Sonny sighed, "right....Uh, about the police."


"Well....they told us not to call them."

"What?! Why?"

"Well, they're doing the best they can to hunt down father. So....they don't need us calling 24/7"

"So when father's trying to kill us they won't come?!"

"Hey, I never said they wouldn't come. I just said, they asked nicely if we wouldn't call."

"That is the mist dumbest thing I've Ever heard in my life." I stated, Sonny nodded, "Yea...."

Sonny got out of the car as I did too, we both entered the house. I got out Mallory's money and put it on the table in the living room.

I threw my backpack on the chair and sat down on the couch. I Shut my eyes and just wanted to sleep.


I woke up to the sound of silence. It was nine, but no one was up.

I got up and saw that Mallory's money was gone, so somebodys up.

Just as I was about to go downstairs a knock came from the front door.

I walked towards the door. I looked out the window and saw a girl. I opened the door, "Uh. Hi..."

"H-hi.... can yo-you help me? Im lost..."

I raised my eyebrow, "at nine in the morning...?"

She violently nodded her head. "Uh... okay then, and What's your name?"

"Uh... Mabel." She said,

"And how old are you?"

"Uh.... 15..."

"Mhmm. Well I would suggest to go a few houses down," I pointed at a red house, "you see that house? They're very nice people. You should go over there."

I closed the door but she pushed it open, " leg hurts..."

I looked down at her leg and saw a huge gash. Like if something clawed her.

I widened my eyes. Uh...okay, well I have a first aid kit in the kitchen I think, I'll go get it.

Being stupid, (as usual) I left the door open, I went in the kitchen and opened the cabinet as I saw a shadow behind me raising a knife,

"Ellie, you should have listened, didn't father tell you to watch out for Sam?"




Bygone (Part Four To Adopted)Where stories live. Discover now