Chapter 12

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"Finally," I said as I saw Libby approach my car. "I've been here for about ten minutes."

"Sorry, I got caught up." She replied and her face flushed red. I rolled my eyes and we got in the car. "This car is so tiny." Libby said as she crossed her arms and pouted.

"Oh, did you not want a lift home?" I asked looking over at her before I reversed out of the parking spot and headed towards the exit of the school. She shook her head in a rush and I laughed. "Well, shut up."

"Not again." Libby groaned as we approached the exit. In front of the exit gate were none other than Ryder and Ashley making out. Deja vu swept over me as I realized I've been in this exact situation before. The circumstances were different though, these days I occasionally talk to Ryder, Ashley still hates me though, not that I care. I honked my horn at them to get out of my way. They broke apart and Ashley gave me a dirty look. If looks could kill, I'd be six feet under by now. I looked at Ryder and his eyes locked with mine. I motioned with my hand for him to get a move on and he smirked, staying put. I rolled my eyes and tried again. He still didn't move though. Ashley was looking at our little exchange with very dirty looks.

"Move, Steele." Libby yelled out the window and he smirked not moving. His stupid smirk annoys me every time, it's like he's got something over you.

I rolled down my window, "can you move? You know, before I'm forced to run you over." I said with an over the top fake smile on my face. He laughed at my expense before grabbing Ashley's hand and dragging her away. I rolled my eyes before leaving the school.

"He actually listened to you," Libby said in shock as I drove away from the building.

"Yeah, so?" I said glancing at her out of the corner of my eye. She was looking at me in shock and I couldn't help my eyes rolling again. She's about to make it a big deal, I just know.

"But it's Ryder freaking Steele. Why would he listen to you?"

"I've got feelings, Lib. You do know that right?"

"You know what I mean. I didn't realize you guys were on such good terms. Wasn't he mad at you at lunch today?"

"He got over it I guess." I shrugged as I rounded a corner.

"People like Ryder, who are 'too cool' don't just get over things, Jade." She assured me. "You guys are friends, admit it."

"We're not friends." I retaliated. "We just talk occasionally. I blame the group project and the fact that his bedroom is less than ten meters away from mine."

"You are friends. Don't think I didn't see him flick your hair today at lunch. At first I thought it was out of spite, but now that I think about it, it was as a joke. I mean it was random, but still friendly banter."

"Wasn't as random as you think." I mumbled under my breath, hoping she wouldn't hear.

"What?" She asked.

"Don't worry. We're not friends, Lib. Acquaintances maybe, but not friends." I reassured her.

"Fine I'll settle on acquaintances, but don't think I won't be watching you two."

"Have fun with that, because there's nothing to see." I pulled into her street; her house was just further down. "What about you and Connor." I said changing the subject. "You're long term dream finally coming true?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." She said looking out the window, avoiding my eyes.

"Oh please, you two seemed pretty cosy at lunch. Sitting next to each other and all." He cheeks flushed red and I stopped out the front of her house.

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