Chapter 44

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I pulled up to the curb outside of Libby's house and put my car in park. I beeped the horn to signal that I was here. She came out after a few minutes and I unlocked the car for her.

"You're early." She stated as she got in.

"I didn't want to bump in to anyone." I stated and she nodded in understanding. Libby and I have spent the whole weekend together pretty much. It's been nice, refreshing even. Lately all we've been doing is hanging out with the guys and I'm glad I haven't seen any of them for the past two days. I pulled away from the curb and began driving; Libby reached for the radio and turned up the music. She danced and sang along as I laughed at her.

On Friday night Libby came over straight after school and I told her everything. I told her about the car ride from the shops back to the beach house, the events at the beach house and everything up until Thursday night. She let me talk and talk only interrupting a couple of times as I told her as much detail as I was willing to reveal. I almost cried again but she told me multiple times that he wasn't worth it and he was the one that should be upset because he made the stupid bet in the first place. In the end I didn't cry and I'm happy I didn't because Libby's right. Yeah he used me, but I should've known it was all too good to be true. I've said it before and I'll say it again, people like Ryder don't like people like me. Even just the thought of his name left a lump in my throat but I swallowed it down choosing to move past it. Saturday and Sunday had been a lot more light-hearted and upbeat. We'd spent majority of Saturday watching movies and yesterday we went to the ice rink. It felt good to glide along the ice and forget my worries for a while. But of course all good things must come to an end, because now it's Monday and I have to face the music.

I pulled into the school lot and saw Hunter's car parked in his normal spot. I parked my car in the furthest spot away from it as I could. I turned off the engine and looked over at Libby. She gave me a reassuring smile.

"You can do this. Remember, just don't pay attention to anyone, keep a low profile and ignore anything anyone says."

"What do you mean, anyone says?" I asked her furrowing my eyebrows.

"Jade, do you really think that the word hasn't spread by now? I'm sorry to say it but majority of the school will know, but they'll probably know a manipulated version of the story. Ignore them, you're better than them." She said as she reached for my hand. My breath hitched in my throat as I nodded. I hadn't even thought about other people knowing but of course they would; gossip spreads like wildfire in this school. This is prime gossip, Ryder Steele bets on Jade Pesado's heart. I sighed before nodding again.

"Alright let's go." I opened the door and stepped out of my car. When I heard Libby's door close I locked the car and waited for her to start walking. As we walked out of the parking lot and further towards the school I could see people looking at me and whispering. I looked at Libby and she briefly shook her head as if to say don't worry about it. I took a deep breath before linking my arm with hers and marching towards the school. I just have to get out of plain sight of everyone.

"Jade." I heard from behind me. Libby stopped walking, pulling me to a halt with her. I recognised his voice instantly and I felt my stomach fill with butterflies.

"Come on." I said to Libby as I tugged at her arm. We began walking away again but I really wanted to look back. What was written on his face? Was he chasing after me? Probably not. Libby and I walked into the hallway and towards our lockers. When we reached them I dropped her arm.

"That was good Jade, I'm proud of you." She said with a smile and I smiled back at her.

"Thanks." I fiddled with my lock, before I opened it and swung my locker door open. The first thing my eyes laid on were Ryder's books. They were still in here from before lunch on Friday. After school on Friday I hadn't bothered to come back to my locker and I'd completely forgot about them. What do I do? I can't exactly go give them back to him, that won't help the ignoring him, thing I'm trying. I lifted the books out of my locker and placed them on the floor next to my locker. My locker was on the end of the row so there was free space next to it. I'm sure he'll walk past here at some point in the day he can take them then. Once his books were out of the way I began to pull out what I needed for the day. "Hey Libby?" I asked a thought suddenly popping into my head.

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