Chapter 31

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I felt my eyes open and I saw the ceiling before I closed them again, hoping to get just that little bit more sleep. I felt a weight across my stomach and I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. What is weighing down on my body so much? Before I had a chance to look though, I noticed a stifled giggle come from the doorway. I turned my head towards the noise and waited a second for my eyes to focus. Standing in the doorway, was Leo with his phone out and aimed at me. When he noticed I was awake and staring at him, I saw his eyes go wide before he darted out of the room. What the heck? My mind focused back on the weight on my stomach and I looked down to see Ryder's arm slumped over my body. It was my turn for my eyes to go wide as I looked over at Ryder who was lying on his stomach, shirtless but thankfully wearing his pyjama bottoms. Questions filled my head. Why is his shirt off? Why is he practically cuddling me? Why is he in here again? Oh wait I can probably answer that by assuming Libby beat him to his bed last night. What time is it? How drunk did I get last night? Why was Leo in here? And what was he doing with his phone?

I grabbed Ryder's arm and attempted to pry it away from my stomach. But all that did was make him shuffle in his sleep and hold onto me tighter. For fuck's sake. The most annoying part in all this, is that I kind of like his arm being there. His body heat radiated onto me and I don't really want to stop this but I know I have to.

"Ryder." I whispered, and then repeated when he didn't answer. I said it a bit louder and his eyes fluttered open. I didn't realise how close our faces were until he was looking directly into my eyes with about five inches in between us.

"How do we always get ourselves in such weird situations?" He asked with a smirk making no attempt to move away or remove his arm.

"I couldn't tell you." I replied still very aware of our close proximity.

"Well, good morning, shortcake."

"Morning, Steele." I said quietly. He finally pulled his arm off my stomach and turned to sit up in the bed.

"Why am I not wearing a shirt?" He asked me and I shrugged also sitting.

"Again, I couldn't tell you." He looked around before leaning down to the floor and picking up his shirt. Once he had retrieved it he pulled it on and I felt a bit annoyed he was no longer shirtless, but I didn't let it show.

"I think I got hot during the night and took it off." He admitted and I nodded.

"Seems fair." I added and he smirked at me.

"What's wrong with you?" He asked and I shrugged.

"Nothing, but I mean I woke up to Leo at the doorway with his phone."

"Doing what?"

"I don't know."

"I'll bet you five bucks the little prick was taking photos." He said and my eyes went wide.

"Oh god no." I stood up from the bed immediately, intending to go and find Leo. But as soon as I got up I felt my shorts giving me a wedgie and heard a weird noise come from Ryder. At lightning speed I turned back around to face Ryder and hide my semi-exposed bum. His eyes met mine before he smirked. "Don't look." I pleaded my cheeks burning red. He laughed lightly before nodding and turning around so his back was towards me. I fixed my shorts so they were decent before running out of the room. I doubt anyone's left upstairs, so I went straight for the stairs, to go down. Once I reached the bottom I ran into the kitchen/living area, my eyes searching for Leo. I found him sitting on the table eating cereal.

"Leo." I practically screamed, and he almost choked on his food from laughter. "This isn't funny." I said, crossing my arms as I moved to stand in front of him.

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