Chapter 29

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My eyes shot open as the sunlight streamed through the window. Heavy breathing was coming from next to me so I turned over in the bed to find Ryder fast asleep. My mind flashed back to last night and his annoying attempts to get into the bed before I finally just let him in. Just to clarify, the only reason I let him in was because he was drunk and annoying me so I couldn't fall asleep. I pulled the covers off of me before lightly getting out of the bed. I really don't want to be the one to wake up Ryder because I can only imagine the killer headache that him (and the others) are going to wake up to this morning. I quietly opened the bag I'd brought and pulled out a pair of denim shorts and a black t-shirt as well as my toiletries before crossing the hall to change in the bathroom. Once I was changed I brushed my teeth and ran a brush through my hair before leaving the bathroom. I made the decision to leave my pyjamas in the bathroom because I didn't want to have to go back in the room.

I trotted down the stairs as quietly as possible before walking into the kitchen. I opened up about five different cabinets before I finally found the one I wanted. I pulled out a packet of painkillers from the cupboard before closing it and moving onto the glasses. I pulled out five glasses and filled them all with water. I found a tray in another cupboard and compiled the glasses and painkillers onto it before making my way back upstairs. I don't know why I'm doing this, but I guess it would be better not for them to all have a hangover and be grumpy on our beach day.

Ever so quietly I went into each room leaving a glass of water and painkillers next to the bed on either side. I'm such a saint. I made my way back downstairs before going back into the kitchen and contemplating what I wanted for breakfast. Really I got to choose what everyone was having, because 1. I am the first awake, and 2. They're all going have hangovers slightly. I pulled open the pantry searching for a pancake mix but sadly couldn't find one. There was the appropriate syrup but no mix, which is pretty stupid if you ask me. I guess I'll just have to go get some. I pulled on my shoes and grabbed Hunter's car keys. I've never driven a car that big and I know I probably should ask Hunter before taking his car, but I sure as hell am not walking all that way.

I jumped in the car and started it up before driving away from the curb. It's exactly like driving my car but a lot bigger, I just have to take into consideration that it takes up a lot more space. I turned corners and went down streets, not really knowing where I was going. I eventually found a little supermarket and parked the car. It took me a few times to park the car but I got it eventually. I got out making sure to lock it before walking into the shop.

"Excuse me, do you have pancake mix?" I asked the girl working at the register, too lazy to go look all around the shop.

"Yup, just down there." She said pointing down an aisle. I gave her a small smile before walking in the direction. I found the pancake mix pretty much straight away and picked two off the shelf. They say they make eight pancakes each, which would be more than enough for a normal group of people, but those boys eat for a football team. I walked over to the fridge and pulled out a tub of vanilla ice cream just in case we don't have any back at the house, before making my way back over to the counter. I placed all my items on the counter and the girl rang them up. "That'll be twelve dollars." I handed her the money before waving bye and leaving the shop. I jumped back in the car and placed the items on the passenger seat before driving back to the house.

As I walked into the kitchen with the grocery bag in hand, I listened carefully for any sign of the others being awake. When I heard none I pulled out my items from the bag and put the ice cream in the freezer before starting on the pancakes. I found a fry pan and a spatula and started cooking the pancakes. As I sizzled away on the first pancake I heard someone come into the kitchen. I looked up to see it was Hunter.

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