Chapter 39

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I stood there dumbfounded as Macy stared at us. Oh my god! She's just seen us kissing. Macy has just seen us kissing. She looked between the two of us and a smirk pulled up at her lips.

"What the hell?" She asked motioning between the two of us. I stood silent, still shocked. I don't know how to respond.

"Macy it's nothing." Ryder said, very cool and collected. How is he doing that?

"It didn't look like nothing." She said the smirk firmly planted on her lips. When she looked at me I looked back at her attempting to stand my ground.

"You've never kissed someone at a party?" He asked her and she laughed.

"Not my best friend." She said and I felt my face flush. What's she going to do? Have we even known her long enough for her to go tell the others?

"It was just a spur of the moment thing." I said, trying to contribute in our defence. But she was having none of it.

"You sure about that?" She asked me amused and I nodded.

"I think I'd know." I said confidently.

"So, who kissed who?" She asked looking between the two of us the smirk returning to her lips and my face went red again.

"I kissed her. But it doesn't matter, just forget about it." Ryder said and I don't know whether to be thankful or worried at his response to her question. "You ruined the moment anyway." He said sarcastically at her and she laughed.

"Sorry, I'll just be off then." She winked before turning around. I looked up at Ryder a bit scared she might tell the others and he looked down at me unsure himself. "Oh," she said before turning around. "Don't worry your secrets safe with me." She winked again before she walked away.

"Oh my god." I said turning to Ryder. He looked down at me and I could tell he was slightly worried about the situation. "What if she says something? Ryder she's going to say something."

"She said she wouldn't." He attempted to defend her and I slapped his arm.

"Don't be naïve. Of course she's going to say something. It might not be on purpose, but she might let something slip."

"Well we'll deal with that when the time comes, if the time comes. We can't make her unsee anything." He said before kissing me on the forehead. I rolled my eyes before I grabbed his hand.

"Come on." I said before pulling him out of the hallway. I lead him back outside and dropped his hand when we made it to Libby, Connor and Hunter. If we hang around them we can be sure to stop anything that Macy might say if she comes over.


"I did it boys." I heard from behind me and I turned around to see Leo walking over to the five of us, interrupting our conversation. "And girls." He added acknowledging Libby and I. His hands were up in the air and he looked very proud at whatever he'd done. He reached us and came to stand in between Ryder and I. He slung his arm over my shoulder pulling me close to him and squeezing me, with a big smile planted on his face. He's very proud of himself.

"What'd you do?" Ryder asked him, and I saw him briefly glance at Leo's arm that was slung around me before looking back at him.

"I got my revenge." Leo said with a satisfied smile. "Well not revenge per say, but I proved I could lay someone in her house." He slurred and it immediately clicked to me that he was talking about getting laid in Casey's house, like Connor had explained. We all laughed at his words and I looked up at him and into his glassy eyes. He is so drunk right now.

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