Chapter 5

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"Be nice." My mum whispered to me before walking over to the door and opening it. "Welcome, welcome." She says to the Steele family.

"Hello, Patricia." Ryder's mum replies. "You remember Ryder and Andy?" She asks and my mum nods. "This is my husband Harry."

"Hello Harry, I'm Patricia, my husband Bob and my daughter Jade." I wave at Harry, and he smiles down at me. It takes me by surprise how much he looks like an older version of Ryder. "Well now that everyone knows each other, come in and have a seat." She smiles and gestures for the others to come in. Walking over to the dinner table I awkwardly stand around it. Suzan takes a seat and Harry sits on her right. My parents mirror their seating, so that they are facing each other. Ryder and I sit next to our mums and Andy sits at the head of the table next to us.

The parents instantly start up their own conversations; Suzan and mum talking about wines as mum pours some for the adults, whilst dad and Harry talk about the big game later on and other sports. Everyone starts putting some food, and I notice the breadbasket that wasn't there before, mum must have put it down while I was changing. My mouth waters at the sourdough bread sitting neatly in the basket. I place a piece of chicken, some potatoes, sweet potatoes and salad on my plate. Mum hands me the breadbasket and I take a piece eagerly. She knows me so well. I look over at Andy, who slowly picks up his knife, and starts swinging it around like a sword.

"I challenge you to a duel, Sir Ryder." He says in his cute little voice. I look over at Ryder and he smiles back at his little brother.

"Sir Ryder has gone back to the castle and called it a night." He replies as he slowly picks up his knife without his brother realising.

Andy looks deflatedly at him. "But, but," he stutters trying to think what to say, before his eyes flash with mischief. "But I see him before me, bearing his sword." How old is this kid, like five, how does that sentence form in his head?

Out of nowhere Andy swings his knife and lightly stabs Ryder in the arm. Ryder quickly retaliates, jabbing back at him, but purposefully missing.

"Huzzar! I win!" Andy screams, I'm trying to hold in laughter at this point. I look over at Ryder, and his eyes meet mine before his smile drops and his cheeks flush a slight shade of pink. His quick to put his defence back up and glare at me, I tear my eyes away from his stare.

"Andrew!" Harry says sternly. "Put your knife down." Andy, or should I say Andrew, obeys sheepishly. His cheeks flush bright red and Ryder is trying not to laugh at his brother.

"But dad, Ryder started it! He challenged me to duel of the knives." He claims and it's my turn to hold in laughter as Ryder's eyes almost pop out of their head.

"What? No I didn't." Ryder says more calm than his face looks.

"Jade, did you see what happened, hun?" Suzan asks me. I glance at her, then Andy who looks at me with a death stare and then at Ryder who is giving me the same look. You can tell they're brothers. I quietly shake my head before looking down at my plate and popping a potato in my mouth. "Andy hand over the knife." She says calmly and his stare moves over to her, before he puts the knife out in front of him and Ryder takes it from his little hands.

The parents quickly go back to their conversations, and I'm playing with my food whilst I'm chewing. "Just because you have two swords now, Sir Ryder, doesn't mean you can use them on me." Andy whispers and I look up to see Ryder's reaction through my lashes.

He is still looking at my dad when he whispers back, "don't worry, little boy. I won't need two to defeat you." He looks back at Andy and smirks.

"Keep thinking that old man." Andy replies and I laugh under my breath. They both look towards me and my gaze immediately goes back to my food.


We finish off dinner, and I start to gather the plates. My mum grabs the leftover chicken, while Suzan gets the breadbasket and salad bowl. We head to the kitchen and I put the plates in the sink.

"Jade, go sit with Ryder and Andy. I'll wash up." Suzan says and I look at her.

"No, Suzan its ok. I'll do it," she shakes her head and turns the tap off that I had turned on.

"No honey, I insist." I nod in thanks and walk back into the dining room, to find it empty. The guys must be in the living room. To be completely honest, I wanted to wash the dishes to get away from Ryder. I don't want to be near him, his states scare the shit out of me. But it was quite cute the way he was playing with his brother. Wait, forget I said that.

I walk into the living room to see my dad and Harry sitting down flicking through the TV channels. Andy is sitting on the recliner playing games on his iPod and Ryder is sitting on the couch, with his head in his hands looking bored as ever. I feel bad that he's bored, but I don't know how to entertain him without having to take my clothes off like he's used to. I huff in annoyance and go sit next to him on the couch, seeing as it's the only spot left.

"What you looking for, dad?" I ask.

"The big games about to start." He could be talking about the soccer or the footy, I really don't know.

"Oh ok, of course how could I forget?" I say with sarcasm, as if I know what sport he's talking about. I hear Ryder chuckle. I look over at him, and he glances at me before his eyes go back to the TV. "Do you like sport?" I ask him, and he looks at me.

"Are you trying to hit on me?" He asks with a smirk. Is he serious? I look at him like he's a loon and he laughs. "I'm kidding, calm down. But, um yeah I guess. I have to be in the mood though, and right now I can't be bothered." I nodded in agreement.

"Same." I look around the room awkwardly. Should I ask if he wants to go do something? I mean, he is the guest, but at the same time I don't want to be alone with him. Whatever, what could go wrong? "Want to go do something then?"

"Like what?" He asks raising an eyebrow.

"I dunno." I stand up and wait for him to follow, but he sits there like the fat potato he is. Ok he's not fat and doesn't look like a potato in the slightest; he's actually quite the opposite of both but oh well. "We can find something to do in my room if you want." I say, still standing there awkwardly. He shrugs and gets up, "Andy wanna come?" I ask as I walk past but he shakes his head no as he continues his intense sword fighting game, that explains a lot.

We walk out of the living room and see mum and Suzan sitting at the table with a glass of wine each. I start up the stairs before mum calls me, "Jade, where are you going?"

"We're going up stairs. We're bored." I add at the end and I see Suzan look at her son accusingly. He shakes his head and looks at me then her, as if she's crazy. Wow that didn't hurt at all, asshole.

"What are you gonna do?" Mum asks accusingly.

"Sneak out and go get hammered." I state before running up the stairs.

"Keep the door open!" She yells after me. I hear Ryder's footsteps behind me.

"Can we actually sneak out, and go get sloshed?" I rolled my eyes at his enthusiasm of the idea.

"No. It's called sarcasm, Steele, learn it."


Jade after she says "No. It's called sarcasm, Steele, learn it." on the side :)

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