Chapter 21

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The next few days passed as per normal. The boys, Libby and I all sat together every lunch and we were all still getting along well. The boys would occasionally make jokes about Libby and I in our drunken state but I guess there was no avoiding that. Thank god it was Friday because this week at school had been annoying. I am currently in the car with Libby driving us both home.

"What do you want to do tonight?" I asked her, glancing over at her quickly before returning my eyes back to the road.

"I can't tonight." She answered. That's unlike her blowing off plans, she's usually the one trying to make them.

"Why not?"

"Got a family thing." That makes sense. Because of Libby's parents always fighting, she always makes an effort when it comes to family events.

"What do you have planned?" I asked and she paused for a moment before answering.

"We're all going to my cousins house, I think."

"Well that's nice."

"Yeah." I dropped Libby off at home and wished her a fun time with her family before driving home. What can I do tonight without Libby? I could always have a movie marathon of all the movies Libby doesn't like but I love. She never lets me watch those movies and I think tonight is a suitable time.

When I got home I parked my car in the normal spot I parked it and got out. I opened the boot of the car and picked my bag out of the back. As I closed the boot and headed up the stairs of my house I heard a car pull up. I glanced over my shoulder and noticed it was Hunter's car.

"Hey, Jade." One of the boys called out. I turned around now unable to avoid them. I just want to start my movie marathon for the night.

"Hey," I said waving at them all. All four of the boys were sitting in the car and Ryder was opening the back door, getting out. He smiled at me and we locked eyes briefly before I looked back up to Leo who I think had called out to me.

"What're you doing tonight?" Leo asked me conversationally and I shrugged my shoulders as I started to walk down towards their car.

"Nothing, just staying in. I've got some school stuff to finish." I added the last part so they wouldn't invite themselves over or something, you never know with these boys.

"Oh ok," Leo replied.

"Yeah, fun stuff." I said sarcastically even though I wasn't going to be doing school work. The boys chuckled and I smiled at them. Over the past few weeks we had all grown so much closer, it was great. I felt like these boys were really accepting of Libby and I and I'm glad we have become such good friends.

"Let's go guys, I can't be late." Connor said from the back seat and I looked towards him.

"Where are you off to?" I asked him and he went a little bit red, probably slightly embarrassed that he was hurrying them along in front of me.

"He's got a date." Ryder answered, smirking.

"That's cute, who with?" I asked.

"He won't tell us."

"And it's for a good reason, just let it be, ok?" Connor exclaimed before crossing his arms and turning away from us.

"Well you guys better get going before Connor pouts his way into oblivion." I said and the other three boys laughed while Connor looked at me with a scowl. I smiled at him mockingly and he rolled his eyes.

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