Chapter 37

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"Thank God it's Friday, am I right?" I said to Libby as the final bell of the day went. This week's gone pretty fast if I'm honest. She nodded and we got up from our seats in English and headed towards the door. Once we had escaped the confinements of that horrid classroom, we made our way to our lockers. Like I said, this week's been fast. I've been doing homework pretty much every night, except Wednesday night when I went over to Ryder's house for a couple of hours. I think our parents are starting to catch on to us. I'm a hundred per cent positive they don't know exactly what's happening, but I think they're beginning to get an idea mostly because of how much time we've been spending together as of late. Until they ask though I'm not admitting to anything. School wise, Macy has been sitting with us some days. She sat with Ashley on the other days, but I guess we can't really tell her not to because Ashley was her 'friend' before she was ours.

We reached our lockers and Libby turned to me. "What're you doing tonight?" She asked me and I shrugged.

"Nothing much family dinner, you?" I said blatantly lying. Ryder was coming over tonight for a movie marathon and he'd promised me sundaes. He had mentioned going to the ice rink this weekend at the beginning of the week but he piked out bribing me to change the plans with said sundaes. Needless to say, it worked.

"Ugh, nothing." She sighed. I know she wanted me to invite her over, but I really couldn't.

"What's Connor doing?" I asked trying to distract her from wanting to come to my house. It's not that I don't want to spend time with her, but I already have plans with Ryder. Plus she came over last night to do homework together, so it's not like I've completely blown her off as of late.

"He said he was busy hanging out with the boys."

"Oh, just go hang out with them." I said sarcastically and she laughed.

"Yeah right, not without you. I'm not being the only girl amongst four guys."

"Why not?" I asked laughing; ignoring the fact that she said four when it would actually be three because Ryder would be with me.

"It's too weird, I don't know. But I'm not. Oh well I'll just sit at home and watch movies."

"That sounds like a decent plan." I admitted and she nodded, getting used to the idea. We shut our lockers and began heading towards the car. I had driven today and had given Libby and Ryder a lift. After his mentioning of carpooling on Monday morning, we realised it was probably a smart and money saving option. We were saving money on petrol because the drives were cut in half pretty much. And it meant spending time together, or at least until we picked up Libby. We made it to the car and I saw Ryder leaning on my car talking to the other boys. As we approached I cleared my throat and the boys attention was on me. "Butt off the car, Steele." I said and he laughed before getting off and raising his hands in surrender.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to hurt your very expensive and pristine car." He said in a mocking voice, and the guys laughed.

"That's what I thought." I said for lack of a better come back as I rolled my eyes.

"Anyway, why can't you come?" Connor asked Ryder, turning the conversation back between them.

"I'm busy, man. I have a family dinner that I really can't get out of." Ryder said and my breath caught in my throat. We'd used the same excuse this can't be great.

"Wait, you both have family dinners?" Libby asked looking between us with her eyebrow raised. I looked at Ryder quickly and he looked back at me, his expression not giving anything away but I knew he needed help.

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