Chapter 28

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"How long do we have left?" I asked him and he glanced at me through the rear view mirror.

"About ten minutes I think." He answered and my mood perked up. I can wait ten minutes, ten minutes is nothing when you've been in the car for an hour and a half. I returned to my position of chin in my palm and continued to look out the window.

The car ride started off really fun, we were all talking and joking around with each other, but it eventually kind of died out and we all just started listening to the music that was playing. The thirty minutes or so of us not really talking has gone by pretty quickly now that I think about it. My mood perked up when I saw the sign that welcomed us to the town where we would be staying. Civilisation began to come into view and there were various houses and shops flashing past as we drove through the town. Hunter got off the main road and headed down some quieter streets, probably trying to find the house. Leo had started directing him and I could feel myself growing more excited as Hunter turned the corners and slowly got closer to our destination.

Finally, we pulled up at a two-story house, which didn't have many houses around it. This was a good thing because it meant we wouldn't have to watch our noise levels or be worried about annoying the neighbours. Because of the lack of buildings next to the house you could see straight past it and to the ocean, which basically backed on to the backyard. This house looks amazing. We all got out of the car and I felt my legs wobble for a second due to being sat down for so long. We pulled our bags out of the boot and headed towards the door behind Leo who had the key. He opened the door and we walked in greeted by a set of stairs directly across from the door and a long hallway to the left.

"Do we want to work out rooms and then I'll show you girls around?" We all nodded and headed upstairs following Leo. The boys took off immediately running into rooms and throwing their stuff down. There were three bedrooms with queen size beds in each. Ryder and Connor who had put their bags on the floor took the first room closest to the stairs and were lying on the bed in relief of finally making it. The second room was empty and the third is where I'm guessing Hunter is. "I'll go with Hunter and you two can have this room sound good?"

"Yup," I said popping the p before throwing him a smile and walking into the room. I placed my bag on a chair in the corner and went to sit on the bed Libby followed my actions. My body sunk into the mattress and I smiled contently.

"I have to pee so badly," Libby said randomly and quickly jumped up from the bed.

"Of course you do." I said with a laugh and she rolled her eyes at me making me laugh slightly.

"Where's the bathroom though?"

"I don't know." I said getting off the bed and following her out of the room in her search for the closest bathroom. There was a door directly opposite our bedroom door and I turned the handle pushing it open to reveal a bathroom. What a guess.

"Thank god," Libby said running in and slamming the door behind her. I laughed at her before turning around and walking back into our room. I plonked myself down on the bed and lay down resting my head on the pillow. This is probably the most comfortable bed I've ever been on; it makes my bed feel like a rock.

"Do you want me to show you around then?" Leo asked and I looked up at him standing in the doorway. I sat up in the bed to look at him properly.

"Yeah, just wait for Libby she's peeing." He laughed and nodded walking into the room and coming to sit on the bed next to me.

"You are both lucky you got the comfiest bed." I smiled in satisfaction at his words.

"Yeah well it puts my bed to shame." He nodded in agreement and then Libby made herself known at the doorway and we looked at her. "You ready for a tour?" I asked her and her face lit up and she nodded her head.

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